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Sadness and Lonliness

Jimin POV

"I hate myself!" i said while i threw my things off the table. I sat down to my chair crying as much as i can. I cut my wrist again using a sharp tool. Everytime i do it, it makes me calm down.

That's why almost all my clothes are long sleeves or hoodie. I just hope my parents wouldn't notice the scratches in my arm.

It's been 3 months since i have depression. Nobody knows about it, not even one person except for me and my bestfriend Taehyung. I fell from depression because my parents pressured me to study hard. So that i can have good grade. If i get a score B+, there still going to get mad at me. But that was before and i wasn't that sad as before.

I live in an apartment alone. So i was pretty lonely. While my parents live 15 minutes away from me. That's why they still did not notice the scratches in my arm, beacause everytime i go there i wear a hoodie. I don't have any close friends either, except Taehyung. I don't want to tell anyone my secret except for him, cause i know i can trust him. But the rest of my friends are untrust worthy. If i tell it to my parents they will be worried, and i don't want them to be worried and will be stress out just because of me and my condition. I just want them to find it out there selves.

"Why does everything have an ending " i asked myself that while crying.

The pressure i feel makes me want to scratch myself when i see a sharp thing. Everytime i go to school i always keep a smile on my face. Everybody thought i was the happiest and the most positive person. But they don't know the truth. Cause the truth is still untold.

"Doesn't mean when i smile i'm happy. " i shouted with anger.


So i went to McDonalds. I just took drive thru so it'll be fast. After i got my take out wich is fries and fanta. I texted my friends Taehyung, Jennie, Jungkook and My thai friend Lisa. I told them if all of us could hangout together at the movies tonight. They replied me with a yes.

So drive straight to the movies. While i was waiting for them, i was eating my fries and drinking my fanta.

They are finally here. I was the one who bought the tickets. So we all went inside and sat next to each other. The movie was finally over.

I convinced Taehyung to stay with me. Because i have to tell him a secret. So all my friends left the two of us.

"So the secret was...I like Jimin." i shouted and i can't believe i told someone that secret.

"Well about him, Jimin have depre-ssion." he said sadly and gulped.

"What?!? How could a happy and positive person would fall in depression." i asked confused and shook from what he said.

"Well that's what you thought." he said with a sigh.

After our conversation, i drove him to his house and said goodbye after.

*5 minutes later*

I finally arrived at my apartment. As i opened my room door i threw myself to my bed. I stared at my ceiling and still thinking what Taehyung has told me earlier. I was thinking of a reason on how Jimin had depression. But thinking about it so confusing. If a think of plan to make him feel better, then i have an idea.

I thought of a solution. Maybe he just need someone to talk to. So i planned what will i do tomorrow since there is school. I can definitely see Jimin there.

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