𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚑 𝚒𝚝!

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I rushed down the down the sidewalk, trying to maneuver past the people on their way to work, stepping inside, a strong whiff of coffee basically slapping my face. I grabbed my apron and tied it around me as I made my way behind the counter.

"You're late."

"I'm so sorry Kat"

"Don't let it happen again or else you're fired !"

I looked up at her to meet her eyes and we both started laughing. Perks of having your best friend as your manager. I cleaned up the espresso machine, serving a couple customers their coffee. A very handsome boy with raven curly hair walked in.

"Hi welcome to Triple J's cafe, what Can i get for you?"

"I-I'll have a chocolate, Uh- a hot chocolate please."

"One hot chocolate, anything else?"

"No thank you, that's fine"

"Your total is $2.15, can I get your name?"


I smiled as I wrote his name on the cup and he gave me some cash. I prepared his hot chocolate and brought it over to his table, where he was working on a computer.


"You too- I mean thank you!"

I giggled to myself as I went behind the counter again to see a smirking Kat.

"Hes cute."

"Very cute."

An hour went by and Finn was still sitting there, on his laptop, typing away at something. I went over to his table.

"Would you like something else?"

"Um, im okay for now, thank you."

"It's no problem."

I walked behind the counter again. I assisted the other customers, and hours went passed and Finn was still typing. He was probably in college like me, trying to finish up an assignment. It was getting dark out, so I started cleaning up, and getting everything ready for me to close up.

"We're closing in 30 minutes."

"I was just about to wrap things up thank you."

He got all of his things together and got up from his seat.

"Have a good night."

"You too, get home safe."

I locked up the shop and went home. The next morning, he came in, ordered a hot chocolate and sat down in the same table in the corner, typing away on his computer. He did this everyday. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into a month. Overtime I got to know him, what he was working on, a movie. He majors in film production. They made little jokes with each other.

Little did she know, Finn lived a town over, and  it was quite a travel to get to the cafe Y/N worked at. The only reason he went is because there was a power outage in his town, and he wanted to get his movie done, so he went to the nearest cafe in the town over, and he saw Y/N. He thought she was really pretty. So he kept going back, everyday for the past month getting to know her, regardless of the lengthy drive. Now he was just working up the courage to ask her for her number.

The next day he walked in a smile on his face, ready to see the girl he had become so fond of. She was working behind the counter handing a customer his change. She waved at him, and that sent a swarm of butterflies to his stomach. He spent the whole day there as always.

𝙵𝙸𝙽𝙽 • 𝚆𝙾𝙻𝙵𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙳 • 𝙸𝙼𝙰𝙶𝙸𝙽𝙴𝚂Where stories live. Discover now