𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚜 ! 𝚙𝚝.2

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After our beers last night we parted ways and went to sleep. I couldn't stop replaying the image of her in front of the dark starry sky. I woke up with the smallest hangover ever. I rarely drank, and if I did it wasn't beer. It was that hard shit. After I finished getting ready for my "job". I went out into our shared living area and saw Y/N filling up her water bottle.

"Off to teach yoga I see."

"Yeah, Im not really dreading it this morning. I need the stretching and meditation from that beer last night."

"You barely even finished yours though."

" I never drink. Larry brought those beers, might as well drink them. They tasted like ass, remind me to never drink that shit again."

"Will do."

A small chuckle left my lips causing her to giggle as well. I might as well record her laugh and use it as my ringtone. I could never get sick of hearing it, it was so contagious.

"Do you work later tonight?"

"Uh no actually, they cancelled my shift."

"Do you think you'd be down to come to a concert with me?"

"Just the two of us? Like a date?"

"I mean yeah, only if you're comfortable with that."

"More than comfortable. Who's playing?"

"It's a surprise."

"Really?! Fine. It's a date. Bye Finn, see you later."

She grabbed her yoga mat and gym bag before hurrying out the door, just before I could say anything else. I was going on a date with a girl I really liked. I went into my room to think about our previous conversations. She likes a lot of the same music as me. She comes from a small town up in Pennsylvania, and has 2 brothers, older. She likes drawing and painting, and she's very good at it. She can cook. She's smart. She has such a kind personality, always positive. She's perfect, and bonus, she's gorgeous. I was excited for our date.

So this Finn guy. Yeah. He's fucking hot. He just moved into our apartment and were so much alike, it's crazy. He's so nice and kind, and he's just so cute. Scratch that hot.

I walked into my studio a little happier than usual and it really helped my yoga class run smoother. I like him. After my yoga class, I went straight home, hoping I could catch Finn there. Show off my ass. Assets. Totally meant assets.

I walked into my apartment and I smiled when I saw Finn sitting on the couch watching some tv.


"Hi, did you work today?"

"No it's my day off. How was yoga?"

"It was pretty good. Class went smoothly."

He got up from the couch and made his way over to the kitchen and opened the fridge. Standing close to me. He grabbed a water and stood there as he gulped half of it in no time. I was practically drooling.

"Well I'm gonna go get ready."

"I have to go out right now, but I'll meet you at the venue. I'll text you the address. Bye"

"Okay, see you later finn."

I exhaled. I was sweating. I was so excited for our date. I went into the bathroom and took a shower. Shaving my legs my armpits, and um.... you know.... just in case. I used a body scrub that smelled like coconut, and body wash that smelt like flowers. When I got out I put on some lotion, and got dressed, nothing fancy considering it would be a concert. Some jeans and a t shirt. When I was done I applied some chapstick and smoothed out my hair.

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