Chapter 26

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(3rd Person POV)
"Are you crazy?! Don't transform with two-"

Plagg was cut-off when he was sucked into the ring. Ladybug felt a massive rush of powerful energy enter her body as a green flash surrounded her. Her new transformation was a red suit with black stripes rather than spots. Her suit had claws at her fingertips, a bell at the collar, and black cat ears and a tail.

She fell to her knees from the sudden rush of energy, taking a moment to get used to the feeling.

"Ladybug! Undo one of the transformations!" Adrien demands.

Ladybug shakes her head and stands up, summoning Chat Noir's staff.

"It's okay"

Wayzz and Trixx had their mouths open, shocked at what had just happened.

"I've never seen someone transform with two miraculouses before!" Trixx exclaims.

"Gotta admit, that new suit is pretty damn cool," Nino says, "Wayzz, ready to go?"

Wayzz nods, "Let's go help Queen Bee"

"Wayzz, shell on!"

Within seconds, Nino became Carapace. Him and Ladybug rushed back to the battle. Queen Bee had pushed Le Paon back as her right hand turned into a stinger.

Le Paon launched for Ladybug, who dodged with blinding speed that surprised even Ladybug. She landed a hit with her staff, sending her flying. Le Paon did a backflip and landed back on her feet. Thanks to Chat Noir's miraculous, Ladybug was faster and more powerful than ever. However, she could already feel her energy draining quickly.

The heroes could see Le Paon growing tired, so they took that opportunity to surround her.

Carapace held her by her arms, "Now, Queen Bee!"

Queen Bee charged with her stinger out.
Suddenly, Le Paon flipped Carapace in front of her, causing him to become paralyzed instead.

"No!" Queen Bee grunted in frustration.

Le Paon ran to her fan, but Ladybug threw her yo-yo around her ankle, pulling her back and throwing her against the wall.

"I'm sorry, Ladybug," Queen Bee says, disappointed.

"It's okay, just take Carapace to safety and recharge!" Ladybug throws her a cookie, "Feed that to your kwami"

Queen Bee nods and picks up the paralyzed Carapace, running to an empty, dark corner to recharge.

Ladybug summons her Lucky Charm. A flashlight appears in her hands. As Le Paon charged to her, Ladybug flashed the light in her eyes, temporarily blinding her. She kept flashing the light in her opponent's face. Once she had her, Ladybug reached for the villain's miraculous. Her opponent noticed this and reacted quickly, pinning Ladybug to the ground.

"Now I have you," Le Paon says evily.

The villain inches closer and closer to Ladybug's earrings as the hero desperately tries to escape. Her fingers come into contact with Ladybug's earrings and she began to panic.

"Let go of Ladybug!" Queen Bee shouts and throws her off of Ladybug using her yo-yo.

Le Paon quickly regained her balance, gritting her teeth.

"Thanks, Queen Bee!" Ladybug says, standing up.

Just then, an idea popped into her head. She knew it was dangerous, but she would do anything to end this battle already. This was the longest and most tiring battle she's ever fought.

"Hey, Queen Bee. Do you mind keeping her busy just for a couple minutes?"

Queen Bee smirks, "Anything for you, Ladybug"

Ladybug smirks back and runs to where Alya and Adrien were resting. She saw that Trixx had just eaten. Probably couldn't handle an empty stomach any longer.

"Ladybug," Alya says, "Let me help you"

Alya places her hand against the wall, but Ladybug stops her.

"No, Alya. You're still injured"

Ladybug takes Alya's necklace and puts it on.

"Wait, what are you doing?!" Adrien asks.

"Ladybug! Undo at least one of the transformations first!" Trixx demands.

Ladybug shakes her head, "I want to end this battle once and for all. I don't want anyone else getting hurt"

"Marinette, please!" Adrien begs, "This is too dangerous! Give Plagg back to me and let me fight!"

"I said I would protect you," Ladybug kneels down in front of Adrien, "And I will"

She places a quick kiss on Adrien's lips.

"Trixx, let's pounce!"

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