Chapter 12

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(Adrien's POV)
I parked the car near the Champs-Élysées. The three of us jump out of the car.

"I'd say you're starting to get better at driving," Nathalie says.

"You're still freaking out whenever I drive, though"

"Teen drivers are crazy, that's why"

Marinette and I laugh at her statement.

"Well, you two have fun. Call me when you're done," Nathalie said and stepped back into the car.

I took Marinette's hand, "Come on, let's go"

We stroll around the Champs-Élysées, taking in the views of the most beautiful street in Paris.

"This brings back memories of walking through this avenue with my parents," I say, "That was before... You know"

Marinette frowned, "Are you sure you're okay with being here?"

I nod, "Why would I take you here if I wasn't?"

We continued our stroll down the avenue. I really missed coming here. I'm glad I can experience it again with Marinette of all people.


Marinette and I sat down on a bench after walking around for about an hour.

"Thank you for coming here with me," I say to her.

"No problem, thanks for inviting me"

I look into her eyes. I don't think I'll ever be able to look at her without staring into her eyes.

"You know, I'm so glad we met each other," I say.

"I am, too"

I put my hand over hers and scoot closer until our shoulders touched. Her head fell on my shoulder and I rested my cheek against her hair.

"Once again, thank you for always staying by my side as both Marinette and Ladybug," I whisper quietly.

"Thank you for sticking around," she responds, "Just stay strong and it will get better. Remember that there is always a light at the end of a tunnel"

I nod, "I'll recover from all of this someday, even if it takes years"

"I know you will. I believe in you," she shifts her body to make herself more comfortable, "I'm so proud of you"

I give her head a quick kiss, taking my freehand and resting it on her head.

Even if I still have nightmares and rough days, I still have hope that I'll get better. With Marinette by my side.


The sun was going to set soon, so we decided to head back home after about another hour. I called Nathalie to bring the car to us.

Marinette and I waited to cross the street, hand-in-hand. I stepped onto the road with Marinette dragging behind me.

Before I knew it, I heard a loud car horn. Before I could react, I felt a hand push me forward. It felt as if the world around me has become slow-motion. I turned around as my body hit the ground. My eyes widened with shock and fear. Marinette was laying motionless on the ground.


Everything around me became a blur and I rushed to her side. There was some blood on the street. I placed my hand over the wound on her side, trying desperately to stop the blood flow as her blood stained my hand.

I screamed her name again, tears mercilessly streaming down my face. She wasn't moving. A blurred crowd of people surrounded us, eyes filled with shock. They were all muttering, wondering if she was okay.


Even my screams sounded fuzzy through the sound of my heartbeat.

Mayor Bourgeois and Chloé rushed out of the car that hit her, covering their mouths.

"Marinette!" Chloé screamed.

"Is she breathing?!" Mayor Bourgeois asked desperately.

"I... I don't know, b-but..." I gasped through tears, "HURRY AND CALL AN AMBULANCE!"

"No time to wait for an ambulance!" Chloé yelled, "Just get her inside the car! We need to rush her to the hospital!"

Unexpectedly, Chloé took off her yellow shirt and wrapped it around Marinette's waist, absorbing her blood. I gently picked her up and took her into the backseat with me while Chloé got into the front seat next to her dad.

Mayor Bourgeois stepped on the gas, driving as fast as he could. He was quickly changing lanes to pass cars and not caring if people honked at him.

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