Chapter 20

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(Adrien's POV)
After the visit, I immediately transform and make my way back to Marinette's place. I have to tell her about everything my father told me.

Looks like that silver car really was Nathalie's car. First, my father was Hawkmoth. Now, Nathalie's the new villain?


Marinette was back at her desk when I knocked on her window. She didn't have her earbuds in, so she heard me knock the first time. I jumped inside as soon as she opened the window.

"Woah, what's wrong Chat?"

"My father... Nathalie... Peacock miraculous... Hawkmoth..." I had so much information to take in that my mind was working faster than my lips.

"Take deep breaths, no rush," Marinette says.

I inhale and exhale slowly to calm down, detransforming before continuing.

"My father's intention as Hawkmoth was to bring my mom back using our miraculouses," I begin, "Hawkmoth gave the peacock miraculous to Nathalie, but he says we need to stop her. If she wishes my mom back to life, she'll die"

Marinette places a hand on her forehead, trying to process this information.

"Then who's the new Hawkmoth?"

I shrug, "Not even my father knows"

"Wait," Marinette freezes at a realization, "Wasn't the peacock miraculous holder named Mayura and not Le Paon when your father was Hawkmoth?"

"You're right, but what about it?"

"Your father gave Nathalie the miraculous while he was Hawkmoth, right? My guess is that some unknown figure is Le Paon and Nathalie could be the new Hawkmoth"

I scratch my head, "I guess that makes sense, but why would Nathalie take the butterfly instead of the peacock?"

Marinette shakes her head, "I don't know. But for now, I'll just stick with that assumption"

"Marinette," I walk over to her and place my hands on her shoulders, "We have to take the miraculouses away from Nathalie. I can't lose my new mother figure. Yes, I miss my mom, but what's gone is gone. And with the villains getting tougher each time, we can't say how much longer we can keep fighting"

She nods, "We'll end this once and for all. We'll think of a plan with Rena Rouge and Carapace"

I stay silent and without thinking, I throw my arms around her, pushing her back. She tripped over the edge of her bed with a little yelp, falling onto her back with me landing on top of her. A loud thump sounded on the wall when we landed.

"Ow! I bumped my head," she giggled with the top of her head still against the wall.

"Sorry," I say while chuckling.

I lean with my elbows resting on her pillow to lift my weight off of her, "I didn't mean to do that, I just wanted a hug"

Marinette rolled her eyes while smiling before wrapping her arms around my neck. I tucked my arms between the bed and her back, cuddling into her arms.

I've desperately ached for love and affection ever since I lost Mom. Father, who I tried to make happy, neglected me when he was sober and abused me when he was drunk. Sure, he's changed now, but I will remember that side of him for the rest of my life. My life has been a prison, a dark tunnel of loneliness and isolation. The only light in that tunnel was the painfully bright flashing cameras that surrounded me.

Now, I've found the true light in my darkness. The light that doesn't hurt your eyes. The light that leads me closer and closer to finding my way out of this tunnel. The light that makes me feel the love I've longed for.

After a while, I adjusted myself so that I was laying next to her. We were both laying on our side, still cuddling into each other's arms. My arms were still around her and our legs were still intertwined while I pulled her as close to me as I can.

Moments later, we unwrapped our arms and made eye contact. I pushed her bangs out of her face and tucked them behind her ear. She wrapped her hand around my wrist, fingering my sleeve.

"Is it okay if I look?"

I hesitate before nodding, and she pulls my sleeve down to reveal the cuts I made that night she was in the hospital.

"I know I promised I wouldn't do it again," I say, ashamed.

"Relapse happens," she says softly, "It's okay, just stay strong and hang in there"

"Marinette," I gently pressed my forehead against hers, "I love you so much. I don't know where I would be without you"

I feel her intertwining her fingers with mine, "I love you too, Adrien"

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