Chapter 1

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(Adrien's POV)
Three months have passed since my father was thrown into prison. And though he's gone, the trauma of his beatings still lingers. I can't help but flinch whenever someone makes sudden movements or touches me. Nathalie decided to add some furniture, decorations, and lights to the "torture room", but I can't help but shudder whenever I pass by that room.

My family is broken, just like me.

I started taking sleeping meds to help me sleep better, but nightmares still haunt me every night. Sometimes I wake up screaming, and Nathalie has to come into my room at three in the morning to comfort me.

The scars on my body are still very visible. Some have healed, though, like my self-harm scars. But the voice in my head still screams at me. It tells me that I deserve to die, that nobody cares. I still think about suicide almost everyday. Sometimes my hand still reaches for the knife, but I haven't actually pressed the blade against my skin since last month.

There hasn't been an akuma attack in months. Ladybug and I also started patrolling the city less often. Nowadays, the worst thing we encounter is a bank robbery or something. I honestly miss fighting akumas. I don't miss being late to class all the time, though. But I gotta admit, it was great when I could get out of the classes I don't like.

I still have yet to tell Ladybug that Hawkmoth was my father... And to know her identity. I couldn't bring myself to tell her Hawkmoth's identity. But I'll tell her one day just to relieve her anxiety about Hawkmoth planning a huge attack.


"So, Adrien," my therapist begins, "Before we begin, what is your goal for therapy?"

"Break down some trauma is my main goal," I say.

My therapist nods and types into his computer.

I recently got therapy. I did the screening a while ago, and today is my first time meeting with my therapist. Nathalie suggested that I go to therapy. I wasn't sure about it, but Marinette convinced me to go, so here I am.

"According to the results of your screening, you are showing signs of major depressive disorder and PTSD. Does that sound correct?" My therapist asks.

I nod.

"Tell me about yourself," my therapist takes his eyes off his computer, "Let's start with just simple things about you, such as your age, interests, etc."

"Well," I fidget with my ring, "I turned sixteen about a month ago, and I play piano. I take Chinese and fencing lessons. I used to model for my father, but... Things happened"

"Would you like to tell me about those 'things'?"

"Well... Let's just say, my father was abusive towards me. As you probably heard on the news, he was arrested three months ago, and since then I no longer modeled for him"

"I believe your abusive father is what caused your PTSD?" My therapist asks.

I nod, "And my mother passed away, so my father's assistant is taking care of me"

"I see. How are things at school?"

"Well, sometimes my classmates give me weird looks after hearing my story," I begin, "But one good thing is that I have my friends, who are always there to support me through my dark days"

My therapist smiles, "It's great that you have supportive friends"

"But there's this one girl," I look down, blushing, "I kind of... Have feelings for her"

"Really? What's her name?"

"Umm," I can't say Ladybug, so I say the first girl who pops into my head, "Marinette"

"Does she know you like her?"

"I mean, I haven't necessarily confessed my feelings, but she got the hint due to my flirting"

My therapist laughs, "Flirting?"

I laugh too, "Yeah. However, she kept rejecting me, plus she likes another boy"

"Does that other boy like her back?"

I shrug, "I don't even know who he is. But the last time she said she liked someone else was a couple months ago"

"I think you should confess to her. For real, and not with flirting," my therapist suggests, "And who knows? Maybe that guy doesn't like her back so you might have a chance"

"Well, I guess I can try"

"Great," my therapist smiles, "Keep me updated on that"

I'll confess my feelings to Ladybug one day. At this point, I have so many things I need to tell her. First, Hawkmoth is my father. Second, that I love her. And third, that I want to know her identity. But maybe the third one shouldn't be forced. I'll give her more time to reveal herself.

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