Comparisons and Déjà vu

Start from the beginning

Sam nodded her head, his explanation sounded reasonable enough, but...

"What was the incident and why are you making so many pancakes?"

"There are so many pancakes because Jazz and Tucker are coming for breakfast, and then there's you, me and your grandma, too. You do like pancakes, right?"

Sam's stomach churned. She wasn't sure if she'd be able to eat pancakes right now.

"And the incident?" Sam inquired.

Danny gave her an impish grin. His icy blue eyes gleaming at her. "It's not important."

Sam narrowed her eyes at him, her cheeks growing warm. Weirdo...

Upon hearing the front door open and close, Sam swiveled in her chair.

Seconds later a young woman with strawberry-blonde hair dressed in a simple teal sweater and black skirt walked through the kitchen door. Accompanying her was a slightly younger African-American boy wearing a pair of long green army cargo pants and a yellow hoodie with a red beret on his head and a pair of glasses.

They froze the second they saw the pretty black-haired girl sat at the counter. Behind Sam, Danny smiled and gave a quick wave to the two new people.

"Hey, guys! This is Sam. Sam, this is Jazz and Tucker," Danny greeted brightly as he smiled at her.

Jazz smiled at her, too. Her light teal colored eyes gave off a very motherly gleam. She calmly walked over to Sam and reached her hand out to shake.

"It's nice to meet you, Sam. I'm Danny's sister, Jasmine, but everyone just calls me Jazz," she spoke very diplomatically.

Sam gave her an uneasy look but shook her hand anyway. "Likewise."

Tucker came up to her next and gave her flirtatious smirk. "And I'm Tucker, or Tuck, or TF...for Too Fine."

A shiver went down her back as Sam looked at him uncomfortably. "Are you hitting on me?"

"Well, I-..." Tucker tried to reply before Danny interjected.

"Tuck, she's Mrs. Manson's grandaughter," the blue-eyed boy pointed out, throwing a bit of look in his best friend's direction. "Best to keep your distance."

"Oh," Tucker's flirty confidence deflated before giving Sam a sheepish laugh. "Sorry about that."

Sam rolled her eyes at him. "It's nice to meet you, too."

She got up off her seat at the counter and went into the kitchen to fetch the kettle.

Tea. Tea was exactly what she needed right now.

Meow. Sam looked down to see Nyx lovingly rubbing up against her legs.

Jazz and Tucker sat down at the kitchen table, ready to dig into the pancakes Danny had made.

Danny himself couldn't help, but let his eyes follow Sam's form into the kitchen.

It must be the robe she had dressed in.

"So, Sam," Jazz said, always the conversation starter. "Where are you from?"

Sam didn't look up from the loose tea she expertly brewed. The sweet smell of licorice met her nose. "New Orleans; I just got in last night." 

"New Orleans? Cool!" Danny chimed in. "Always wanted to go there. It would be a nice change."

"Seriously," Jazz said. "No daily ghost attacks."

Sam literally had to stifle her laughter. Danny quirked an eyebrow at her.

"You good?"

She turned, cleared her throat, and gave him an innocent smile. "Oh, yeah, just a tickle in my throat."

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