Chapter Five - Present

Start from the beginning

She stepped closer and came to stand beside me. Almost hesitantly ran her fingers through my hair; touching me with such slowness as if a gesture out of motherly love would force me to hit her repeatedly. "You're the only reason that kept me going, honey, so I have to thank you."

"Do you wish I never existed?" I asked. "Do you wish you had a normal son?"

Tears glistened in her eyes as she shook her head. "I like you the way you are."

"Even if I'm insane?"

"You're just a little different, never insane." She kissed the top of my head, the drops of her tears dampening my hair, "My good boy."

Gingerly, she placed a newspaper on the Rosewood paneled desk in front of me. The newspaper headline caught my eye.

President of the Lockhart Enterprise Jasper Lockhart missing? Or killed in a family conspiracy? Will son Tyler Lockhart take over father's position as the CEO and President of the multi-billion dollar company?

Turn to page A12 to find out.

I took the paper, folded it and threw it into the wastebasket. "You didn't even read the article." Mom pointed out.

"Why should I waste my time reading something I already know?" I asked. "The media likes to make up stories, it's their job. You pay them a few thousand bucks; they'd write what you want them to."

"There were some hikers speculating that they found Jasper's body beneath some mountain in Colorado."

"If that were true I'd like to see the body, and then maybe throw a grand fucking party later tonight."

"He's your father!" She said almost irritated. "And watch your language with me."

I smiled. There she was the threatening side of my mom. "Do you think he's kidnapped?"

I picked up a cherry from the bowl on the desk and popped it into my mouth. "Tell you what, if someone calls for a ransom, I'll talk to them."

"And what would you say?" She asked.

"I'll write them a cheque, and offer another five million." I assured my mother, then added, "And ask them to keep Jasper Lockhart with them."

I heard mom sigh. "I should have known that's how you'd react."

I laughed. "What do you want me to do? Make a public appearance on the seven p.m news and beg for him to come back? Besides, this is not the first time that he has run away from responsibilities, he has done it before. He probably has another wife tucked away somewhere and a bastard child for all we know."

"Tyler!" Mom shrieked.

She hated him, but the thought of Dad having another family secretly infuriated her.

"When I was younger, I actually kinda wished, no, I dreamed that he had an affair somewhere, that he would leave us for another family but it just never happened. Now I wish those hikers are being serious. You'll live better as a widow, trust me."

The sound of the scribbles on the paper filled the silence. After a few seconds, I heard the door shut with a loud bang.

I had absolutely no time to run behind Mom who seemed hurt with the bitter truth. I had more pressing matters at hand; to find out who was playing with the company finances while dad had packed and left. Why was an ample amount of money sanctioned from the bank? And most importantly, who was behind sabotaging the name of the Lockhart's Enterprises?

If that wasn't enough, my thoughts appeared to be more scattered since I'd seen the silver-haired vixen, or shall I say an angel? I remembered how she used to react when I called her that. To me, she'd been nothing less than that.

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