Chapter 32: Mother

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Keirans POV (AGAIN!)

The muffled sounds of our footsteps on the red plush carpet was all that could be heard.
Oh and Ruto and Zelda's squeals and giggles.

They wouldn't shut up! Me and Ralis were just looking at eachother in awe at how high pitched their voices could go.

"How long left until we're at the throne room?" Ralis whined, I admit the staircases in the castle were quite lengthy and some went outside too but I wanted to show them around first. Well...Zelda wanted to show Ruto around. Me, Ralis and Dad were just tagging along.

"Not long!" Singed Zelda looking behind her to smile at her new cousin. Ralis groaned in response while me and Father stifled a laugh.

"Let me lead the way now Zelda. I'll get us there in two minutes." I walked ahead of Zelda and she gave me a look so I shot one back, sticking my tongue out like a child.

In a short amount of time we were outside on the top floor facing the stone entrance of the 'sanctum' or the 'throne room' either name can be used. 20ft red flags with the Hyrule Royal crest were hung up on each side of the entrance and the red carpet stopped once you reached this area.

"I'm suddenly nervous." My father blurted this little bit of information out to us and to be honest I was too.

"It's alright lets go in." I patted his back and walked ahead of everyone else.

My boots made noise against the stone flooring and stairs until my feet found the familiar red carpet once again.

"Keiran? Are you home my dear?" I heard her sweet voice boom out from the throne at the opposite side to me. There she was in all her power and glory. She always had an intimidating look but she would never be mean to her family.

"Hello mother!" I called out to her and stopped in the middle of the room, everyone else followed.

My father stood next to me and I could hear him swallow. The poor man, being married to a woman like this must be scary! I tried not to laugh at the thought of my mother bossing my father about.
We all looked up to see her reaction and you could feel the tension in the air.

It was silent.

Until there was the noise of shuffling as mother stood up from her throne and walked to the balcony so she could look down and see us fully. Her eyes instantly locked onto my fathers and he gave her a grin, as if to say "IM BACK!!"

I could see the excitement and nervousness in her as she bit her lip looking at him. She too had her ring on, silver with a large light blue gem in the middle surrounded by white diamonds. Her hair was let loose and flowed around her vulnerable face.
It was silent until her lips curled up into a small smile that I could barely even see myself and the sound of heels could be heard.

She was coming down, I looked over at my siblings and they were looking at my mothers grace and beauty in awe. She was a lovely looking woman I can admit to that.

The sounds of heals were muffled again by the carpet and she took the support of the banister with her left hand. She was slow at first but as she walked down the staircase to the right she got faster, and faster and faster. All while focusing on my Father. It was like a scene out of one of them drama acts mother hires for events.

Her hair was now flowing behind her as she nearly broke out into a run down the last few steps. My father walked out to the middle of the room, isolating himself from the rest of us so I stepped back to be with the twins and Zelda. (Who was nearly crying)

As soon as mothers feet hit the floor from the last step she took a deep breath and blinked a few times. Father held out his arms slightly, not too wide but just enough to initiate my mothers full frontal sprint across the room.

Her dress was flowing about the place and golden plated jewellery and accessories on her dress jingled along with her run.

Dad took a step forward as soon as Mother came close enough and wrapped his arms around her body, engulfing her in a large embrace. Her feet were off the ground which revealed her golden heels under her blue dress.

Zelda was in floods of tears as mother wrapped her arms around his neck and removed her small face from the crook in his neck. The two of them stared deeply into their eyes before kissing.

Most kids would hate seeing their parents kiss in front of them but we welcomed this wholeheartedly. Their kiss deepened and my father spun her around as if she was a little child. This resulted in their kiss being broken by mothers squeals of delight and surprise at the sudden act.

"I've missed you so much ___" my father mumbled into her silky locks of hair. He was burying his face in her neck and she just stroked his head whispering words that we couldn't hear. But maybe they weren't meant for us.

After a lot of crying (curtesy of Zelda), hugging, kissing and whispering sweet nothings, my mothers feet were firmly on the ground and she turned to us. Her kids.

"Ohh...they're so beautiful! And so big!" Tears flooded her eyesight and her small hands wiped them away allowing new ones to take their place.

"C-can I hug you?" Was the only words that she could manage and surprisingly Ralis was the one who shot over first, wrapping his large arms over her body. Rocking her in a soothing motion as she sobbed into his chest, holding him as close to her as she could. Ruto shortly got her turn after protesting that Ralis had to share our mother.

I had to laugh. It was the happiest day of my life, and I'm sure everyone else's too.

Ah, romance. I live for it! I hope you do too.

So, you and your husband and kids are reunited! Happy? Good because it won't last long! Remember that silly Ganon guy is growing up to be more evil and evil by the day.

MUHAHAHAHA! *Does evil laugh*

Lots of love from the relationship breaker Steph😂❤️

A tale of fated love- BOTWजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें