Chapter 11: wedding day surprises

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Two years later.

"And I now pronounce you Husband and Wife! Pirnce Sidon you may kiss the bride!"
Without any hesitation Sidon lifted you up in his arms (Bridal style no less) and kissed you in front of hundreds of people. Maybe even thousands!

"All Hail Queen ____ and King Sidon of Hyrule and Zora's Domain!"
It had been two years straight since the valentines day fare. Hyrule gained a queen and The Zora's lost a King . It happened around six months after the fare, Calamity Ganon struck once again and Link had to fight  off the beast once more.  Guardians raided Zora's domain, injuring many and taking the life of their beloved King Dorephan. Fleeing while you still had a chance, you, your Boyfriend and the remainder of the Zora's escaped with your lives and lived in a new village made behind the mountains.

One day, Link visited the village. Master sword in his left hand and blood on his tunic.
He told you Zelda called for your aid. You were the last hope they had to bind her power and make it stronger once again.
You had undoubtedly amazing power. It would have been used in the battle 102 years ago yet you were frozen. Causing all the champions including Link to loose their lives while Zelda's power was awakened at the latest possible time ever. With no hero to seal the darkness and no divine beasts and no triforce binding from yourself, The kingdom of Hyrule's youngest royal had no choice but to hold back the monsters strength. In hope you and Link would awake.

Enough about the sad mopey stuff! You were getting married! Zora's Domain had been fixed and Hyrule castle and village was being built back up every day with your command. Zelda recently confessed her feelings to Link who said "he'll think about it" annnnd one last detail!
You were pregnant.
Around 13 weeks so it was beginning to show, no one knew except Zelda of course. Sidon would probably faint, yet with anger or joy was what worried you.

The night of your wedding. (Sidon went to do some business in Zora's domain while you wait in Hyrule castle)


"Come in!" You called.
"Sister! How are your cravings?" Came in Zelda holding a large basket of your favourite ice cream and cake.
"How did you get these?!" You gasped, jumping out of bed and peeping in the basket.
"Welllll, Ms Jenner may know about your pregnancy. Don't blame me! She thought it was me at first with all the food smuggling I've been doing. I had to tell her!" Zelda blabbered on about how she was too young to have a child (she was nearly 20) and how Link still hadn't told her if they're in a relationship.
You just nodded and ate cake.
"Good job Sidon's been busy up by the domain! He would surely notice the...extra weight." You commented, taking in another bite.
Watching in awe as you shove a full slice of cake in your mouth, Zelda nodded her head along with wide eyes.

"I don't think that's normal" she eventually said after you finished the two layer cake in under 9 minutes.
"What is?" You asked, wiping away crumbs from your red silk duvet and sheets.
"How you just ate that cake! When we were younger you only ate like that when you were on your period! And even then you never let me see."
"Who cares" you shrugged your shoulders,
"If this is my period, then it's one hell of a long one."
Laughing together you fell into one of your feathered pillows, your large gown covered every inch of your body since Sidon could come home any minute. (It just made your stomach look big because of the large clothing not because of the child inside you)

"I'll leave you to it then" Zelda stood up with the empty basket and took her jacket too.
"I need to get ready for bed anyways, say hello to Sidon for me when he gets back!"
A closed eye smile came on your face as you nodded Zelda's approval to leave your large room.

"Goodnight ____!"

One of your brown double doors shut as Zelda left.
"Just you and me hey?" You said out loud poking your stomach.

"You and who?" Came a voice from the doorway.
"SIDON!" You gasped.
Giving him a big hug around his neck he plopped you back onto the bed before continuing his question.

"Who's here? Were you talking to yourself again dear?" He asked laughing.
"No! I was talking to...the baby." Better say it now, while he's asking at least.
You bit your lip.
"What baby......?" He asked slowly.
"Our baby. Sidon I'm pregnant, around 13 weeks."
"We''re....I'm going to be a daddy..?"
'Daddy?!' You thought 'Where has he learned that language?!'

"Yes you will be a father."
"Indeed Sidon a father. Honey are you okay?"
Sidon was looking into the distance repeating the word father over and over. He looked a bit odd yet still you couldn't tell if this was good.

"IM SO HAPPY!" Diving onto the bed Sidon kissed you're stomach then you then back to your stomach.
"Can they hear me?" He asked, eyes wide.
Obviously he wasn't taught Biology well.

"Why not." You said grinning.

"Heyyyyy Zylian!" Sidon sweetened his such serious voice, you never heard him like this before.
"Seriously Zylian?" You asked facepalming.
"Of course! I don't want to offend my baba wabba!" He said cooing at your stomach.

This would take more than 9 months to get used to.

Happy wedding day/ valentines day/ binge eating cake day!
This will continue until I get lost on ideas 😂

A tale of fated love- BOTWTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon