Chapter 13: Announcing the pregnancy.

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(It has been around 2 months and you're beginning to show... like a lot)

"My Queen!" One of your maids, Jane, was calling you from the other side of your bedroom door.
"Come in Jane." You say, today wasn't the best of days but still you shouldn't take things out on others.

"Milady! U-urgent news....word has gotten out."
The young maid stuttered trying to get her words out as she constantly gave you a shaky bow every 4 words. You must be quite scary to people then.
Or it may be nerves, you were the Queen of many places.

"About the pregnancy?" You asked as you leaned back in your desk chair, raising an eyebrow.
"Indeed milady." Another bow.
"At ease Jane.." you said giving a sigh,
"Word needed to be spread soon anyway, I am getting rather large." Standing up from your chair, you walked to a full length mirror and did a small pose. Holding your stomach.

"Shall I initiate a public speaking in castle town square?" Jane politely asked.
"May as well, I will be ready in two hours. Let word out of the announcement please, tell my people to be by the fountain at 3:00pm." Heading to your walk-in wardrobe you gave a nod to the maid as she rushed off.

"What to wear..." you pondered out loud.
Pulling out blue, red and purple dresses you held them up to your body. You needed to look serious yet kindhearted too.
In the end you decided on a dark blue dress that reached the floor. It had a blue and gold trail and a bit of a 'poof' to it.
White leggings were to go underneath and golden heels were slid on too.

There was a large window to your left, the weather wasn't too bad. The sun was shining bright yet there seemed to be small gusts of wind every now and then.

"___?" You heard a male voice call out your name from your room.
"Yes?" You called out as you made your way to the large doors of your wardrobe.
"Ah! Sidon" you smiled as you saw your husband looking around the room like the village idiot trying to find you.
"There you are! I heard you but couldn't see you." He said giving you a small embrace that messed up your hair a bit.
"Sorry dear, I'm having to hold a public announcement." You mentioned while grabbing a gold hair brush and pulling it through your hair.

"Yes. I am to announce my pregnancy Sidon. Apparently word has got out."
Sidon breathed out loudly, "according to whom?" He asked slowly.
"Oh. I see. Well then when is it and what do I wear?" He asked with a small smile.
"Aw Sidon you don't need to come. You can rest for today." You say with care, he had been working non stop, trying to get the last of the Elders to get along at Hylian meetings and trying to impress his new people...your people.

"No! I am your King! I must seem like I care, to your...OUR people." his hand gestures were really getting too much. Seriously you would think he was trying to fly away, the amount of waving about he does when he's enthusiastic.

You gave him a stare before agreeing.
"Alright." You give in and let him get ready as you do your makeup and get a maid to style your hair, put in pearls and one of the many Tiaras you own.

"Perfect Lady ___." Looking in the large mirror in your room you stared down at yourself.
"Wonderful as always Marie" you gave the talented maid praise as you went to get Sidon from the other side of the room.

"Sidon we will be late! Come on dear!" You called out. How long did it take?! He's part fish!

"Okay, okay keep your hair on missy" jokingly he booped your nose with his own as he bent down to fix a golden band around his ankle.

"Sidon..." you said giggling.
"Oh no. What?" He replied looking at himself for any mistakes,
"You jingle!" You said flicking some golden tassels on his armour which made a chiming noise.

"Get out you!" He said pushing you lightly on your waist. You hadn't seen him so happy before, it's like the two of you we're meant to be together. You made each other different people yet in a good way.

"Now announcing Queen ___ and King Sidon of Hyrule and Zora's domain!"
Cheers were heard with whistling too. Everyone loved their new rulers and what they had contributed to help them get back on their feet.
You were constantly seeing to every need your people had and making peace with others who still held a grudge against the Hylian royal family.

You and Sidon swiftly went through the introduction of the speech hand in hand, he would occasionally but in with a witty joke or something serious. You could tell he really was trying 110% at gaining the trust of his new people. Apparently making jokes is the way to go now. You can still hear your mentor saying 'be relatable! They love that'
For you it came harder since you were used to being a strong warrior princess who also occasionally attends balls.

"That brings us to our big announcement then!" Sidon said placing a hand on your stomach.
Everyone gasped, you could hear murmurs of "pregnancy? Between a Hylian and a Zora?!"

"I am with child!" You said excitedly, grasping both of your hands together you wanted everyone to accept this and be loving to the new arrival.

They all clapped, but you could see some of them were confused on how you two managed it. As if you would explain it to the whole Castle town how you conceived, in daylight no less!
"I know what you must be thinking, but there is indeed a way me and ___ can have children. Obviously we shouldn't explain now.." looking at some of the younger Hylains he continues, "But I hope you accept this child for whatever he or she turns out to look like or act like. After all they will be a future ruler no less."
Sidon's serious side had came through a little trying to stand up for you and the baby. You take his hand again, looking into his eyes you give him a reassuring smile. You knew they would all come around sooner or later. They had no choice anyway in the matter!

People bowed as they reassured you two that they support the news and headed on their way, back to their lives before hand.

Back in the castle (Library)

"Did I do okay my love? Were you offended?" Sidon sat you down on his lap in front of a roaring fire in the Royal Library.
"You did wonderful Sidon I'm so very proud. They seem to have taken a liking to you." Resting your head on his hard chest, you felt content with your life now. You're married, the pig monster Ganon had been sealed away and you were going to have the most amazing child ever. You just knew it!


Hey! Hope this was okay! Managed over 1200 words so should be decent enough! Will be planning on another chapter as well as some one shots on another separate story. Toodles! (Was that pure cringe?)

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