Chapter 27: Familiar faces.

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Keiran's POV-

"It seems you can't go any further Stahl, I'll do the rest by myself." Hopping off my horse, I pull out an apple I picked earlier on this morning and handed it to Stahl.

By now it was afternoon, it surprised me that I could get into the heart of Lanayru so quickly. I made a fire out of spare wood and flint I gathered to make sure my horse wouldn't get cold over night, Stahl's a trained royal horse so he won't go running off somewhere.

After I set everything up for my dear horsey Stahl I looked ahead at the trial I had to overcome to get to Zoras Domain. To tell the truth, I haven't actually met a Zora, well not since I was younger and I can't remember it. According to some maid gossip I used to be fond with Zoras as a child. I wonder what happened?

Rocks, hills, more rocks and long bridges is pretty much the route to Zoras Domain. My legs ached and I prayed that they were good people...or beings.

All I know is that they're part fish, it makes me think of my widely known swimming skills. I beat every Hylian that tries to compete against me and it's quite odd. Goddesses gift?

"You have got to be kidding me!" I groan to myself as I am yet faced with ANOTHER blue marble bridge! It seems this is the last one though as I can just about see figures at the end. Reluctantly I dragged my poor feet along the unnecessarily long bridge, I should get mother to ask their leader to shorten this bridge if we're ever going to visit. Actually...on that thought, best not, I don't want mother finding out I was here.

That probably should go for my name too, I can't do much about my clothes (even if the triforce is printed on any big piece of fabric the sewers could get their hands on... -_-) But I can remove my small crown-thingy and that one piercing I have that holds the triforce on it. It matches my that I think about it I want to keep it.

After taking off as much triforce printed items without being naked possible,I reached the end of the bridge where two supposedly 'Zoras' greeted me.

"Hello Hylian! Here on a visit?" One asked me, I looked closer at them. Not because I had never seen one before but because they looked like some sort of guard. Maybe they themselves have some sort of royal family. OR they're preparing for Hylian attacks and I'm about to be sent to their leader to be exiled! 

Gods Keiran stop panicking.

"Sure am! Would you believe it's my first time coming around here?" I tried to lessen my accent and sound like a traveler. 

"Oh that's completely normal sir! Enjoy your visit, we're here if need be." The guard motioned their head to another guard...a female guard I note they're willing to help me if I have questions.

I smiled and thanked them, wow they seem really nice.

Too nice?

I really need to stop suspecting every breathing thing.

Since I was talking to the guard when I first entered I didn't notice how beautiful the landscape of this Domain was. My plump cherry lips (thanks mum) were left ajar in awe and my spiked teeth were slightly on show. God how much I hate my teeth, my mother seems to love them, calling me here little 'shark'. Hah- I'll probably fit in with these fish people then. I wonder if I have my Fathers teeth? I hope so, then I would have a reason for the bullies in castle town. Sucks to be them now anyway, according to all the castle town teenagers I'm a 'hottie'! Even with my teeth, red hair, yellow eyes and my mothers blasted plump cherry lips! I swear I'm not my mothers my mouth.

I do have her fighting skills though, my mother is also a good swimmer too so maybe that's where I get it?

At that very moment I was suddenly aware of all the fish people looking at me. Do they not get Hylians often? Should I introduce myself?

I walked up to a young looking female Zora and said my name was Kit. She looked at me with wide eyes and asked if my ears were fake! I was very confused and asked her what she meant but she instantly apologized, she said I couldn't be a Zora because of my Hylian skin and body.

I mean the fact that I had hair wasn't good enough for her?!

If she mistook me for a Zora, that would mean there's a Zora who looks like me. That would be pretty cool. Well anyways, now the center of attention , I began to blush and ran to what seemed like a shop.

"Welcome...Wow!" The male Zora behind the counter was also staring at my face, and even said WOW! I was getting agitated at this point and asked him,

"Do you guys not get a lot of Hylians or something?" I raised an eyebrow at him as his facial expression still showed amazement. I meant no offence but even I didn't react to them in such a manor and they're part fish. 

"N-no sir I'm sorry for staring. We do get a few Hylians...but none that look like you! Are you part Zora by any chance?" I just stood there and blinked at him.

Am I part Zora?! I hope not! that would mean... waaait if my father was a Zora, would that mean he's here?!

"I'm not sure, I can't remember my father, he left when I was around 3 so all I know of is my Hylian mother." I admitted to a little of my backstory and he seemed very interested. 

"That's an unusual circumstance even for a Hylian. Is your mother of great importance? Ah wait that's rude of me to ask..." 

I didn't answer his question about my mother, but I did buy all of his stock. To be honest I think the fact that a 17 year old Hylian having enough money to purchase his whole stock answers his question on the 'importance' of my mother...

So what now? I was just sat on some stairs eating raw fish. (Gross by the way). Well I was, until an old wrinkly looking Zora came up and handed me a sheet of paper. 

"What's this?" I asked looking up, he was quite a sweet looking old Zora.

"Oh just a swimming competition young man! I know you probably won't be the best compared to our swimmers but wouldn't it be fun to try all the same?" The old male Zora gave me a weak smile, it seemed it was all his facial muscles could manage to be fair. 

"Believe it or not, but back home I'm the best swimmer in all of Castle Town." I boasted with a smile, I probably shouldn't have as his next words were troubling.

"Castle town aye? You must be some wealthy Hylian kid. Hmmm now that I think about it, Queen ___'s Son was known to be a wonderful swimmer... now what was his name?"

"Prince Kieran is his name sir." I replied with a soft smile, the old bean couldn't really do much with my identity anyways, if he guessed it that was.

"Ah yes! How could I forget such a common Zora name? Well if we had HIM here it would sure enough cause the commotion." My brows furrowed as the old man chuckled. What did he men by 'cause the commotion', and was my name a 'common Zora name'?

"Why's that sir?" My question seemed to bring him back into reality as he said it's something I didn't need to worry my young head over. I wasn't going to swim but now I think I might just to find out his reasons...

"Sign me up Mr Zora." I demanded politely, he seemed shocked but happy that a Hylian was joining and soon enough the name 'Kit' was written on the sheet of paper he held.


Wow, because I'm on my laptop I can get everything written quicker! I hope you really like these because I love writing them, another will be on it's way right after this one!

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