you overhear him talking about you

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Male & Female oc

It was Christmas holiday and you and Tom were at your house.

"Y/N, will you go get me a drink please?" Your grandmother asked you as you were playing with Tom's ring that was on his finger.

"What drink?" You asked as you looked at her.

"Pick a special one from downstairs." You nodded and stood up causing Tom to look at you.

"I'll be right back." He nodded so you went downstairs to the basement to find an alcoholic drink for your grandmother.

You found two that she would most definitely like so you grabbed them and took them upstairs. Right as you were going to turn into the living room you stopped when you heard Tom speak your name.

"I can't really tell you why I love Y/N." He said.

"You don't seem like the type that would, that's why I want you to try and tell me why you love Y/N. You also don't seem like the guy to love someone." Your grandmother was very smart and old so she picked out little things in people.

"He's/She's something odd so to speak. She/He gets me, he/she called me out for stuff that I do when we were younger and it got us closer because I hated it and I wanted her/him to stop."

"Do you do bad things, Tom?"


"That's what they all say. You seem like the type to do that kind of stuff." There was a bit of silence and you were about to make your presence known until your grandmother spoke.

"As long as you don't hurt Y/N or make him/her do anything she/he doesn't want to do, I like you. She/He needs something bad in his/her life." You slightly rolled your eyes at that.

"She/He makes me feel weird, warm."

"That's what it feels like to be in love with somebody, Dear."

"Do you think he's/she's in love with me?"

"I know she/he is. Y/N can't stop talking about you, it's driving me insane! I'm glad he/she met you though, you're good for her/him."

You then decided to make your presence known with the two alcoholic beverage bottles.

"Finally!" Your grandmother took the bottles leaving you and Tom alone in the living room.

You looked at him and hugged him.

"Thanks for being in love with me." You said as he hugged you back.

"Are you in love with me?"

"Of course I am. I'd be stupid not to be." He slightly smiled and hugged you tightly.

The rest of Christmas holiday was smooth and cheerful.

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