public sex

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You, Tom, and a few of your 'friends' were at a pub. You were sitting on Tom when you had a bright idea so you grabbed a fork and dropped it under the table. You slid down off of Tom, grabbed the fork and turned around to him.

"What are you doing?" He hissed when you grabbed his pants and tried to undo them, but he stopped you.

"Undo them!" You hissed back as you took your panties off and shoved them in your purse you brought. He slightly looked around and undid his pants.

"C'mer." He pulled up and slowly, but surly put you back down on him as your 'friends' slightly looked at yous.

"Y/N?" You hummed as you stared wiggling.

"Can you pass the basket?" You nodded and slightly leaned front to hand your 'friend' the basket of whatever. You sat back down and looked back at Tom to see him looking at you.

"Need anything?" You asked.

"Yes actually. We need to go somewhere, now." He said.

You looked around and spotted the bathrooms. You got off of him and stood up.

"Sit back down!" You did so he could redo his pants then stood up.

You grabbed his hand and dragged him to the bathrooms to only see one. Yous went in and continued where yous left off.

{an: this sucks lol}

tom riddle; preferences & imagines² Where stories live. Discover now