Capture The Flag 2

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Stella's POV

A flair shot up into he sjy as I was finishing getting Tobias up. I turned to my friend and I couldn't keep back the murderous smile creepin gacroos my face. In a flash I strode off my "gun" in hand. Even though it doesn't shot really bullets, when I shot Eric it will as hell feel like it. 

I sneak over to a tree, then to a buch then a huge moving box thing. Aria, Taylor and Viloet followed me, moving as uiet and swiftly as me. Everything was quiet too quiet, at that time I thought a group of dauntless would come running out. That didn't happen, so I took this time to conversate with my friends our plan.

As I bent down next to them I started to speak " So where do you think Eric would hide the flag?"  We all poundered that thought, trying to think like Eric. Well he would fight the dauntless way not a coward, wanting a war. So probably in plan sight to show everyone, yet hided somewhat, probably in  the center of his team and field.

I stand up and climb the nearset tree, and of course my suspicons were correct. Not to far in the distance I see a blood red flag, waving at the top of a storage unit. I climb back down and tell my friends of my discovery. We go over our plan of attack and then split up in our differetn directions.

I head down the middle left with Taylor by my side. Aria and Violet went to the right, dissapearing into the night.  My sister turns to me she looks devine in this light, she always had a way of being beautiful without even trying. I realize right before battle how much I need Taylor, and without her how lost I would be . I am so glad that I choose Dauntless, as of right now I am on a rollarcoster that only goes up.

Taylor's POV

Stella and I head straight into the battle, except there was none. Everyone was hiding we walked around aimlessly until I reailze what they were planning but it was two late. 6 people surrounded us 2 against 6, yeah that's fair. NOT, well not for them. Stella and I stood back to back and started to kick Dauntless butt!   

My brain went into overdrive I ducked, punched, kicked, shoot and blocked. I went to shoot the last one on my side when he knocked my gun out of my hands, across the road to far to reach. He then procedded to punch me in the gut, STUPID I let my guard down. Stella looked over and did some kind of ninja move flipping over me, missing me by and inch and flying death kicked the guy in the face. 

He got pushed back at least three feet. She stood up a smile of satisfaction on her face, I was about to tell her thanks when  I guy grabbed her from behind and was about to shoot her in the chest. I then leaped towards him yelling some kind of war cry, and surprising him I tackled him to the ground. I let all my anger out on him and when I got up to look at him, lets say you wouldn't even recognize him.

Stella and I did our fabulous handshake and jumped up in joy. That stopped though when I heard the signal, two too be exact. Two bird crys and then I coo- that means that our defense is losing. Then 5 knocks on metal and one slap- Aria and Violet are at the base of whee the flag is, IT'S WINNING TIME!!!!


After spliting up with Stella and Taylor me and Viloet lumbered around a good minute before anything even happened. Imagine just walking alone ready for any jumpscare lurking around the corner, when out of one of the several tin box things 6 Dauntless enemies pop out and surround you. Wasting no time Viloet and I decide that we should punch first being ladies and knocked out the first two guys/ girls we saw.

We just kept up the pace, I kinda got into a pattern; duck,punch,block shoot, repeat. Viloet did the same and within a few minutes we were covered in blood( our own and our oppents). As we ran toards the Flag I turned to Violet.

" I feel so bad..... they should have sent more because that was a piece of Dauntless cake!" I tell her yelling over the howling wind. At the thought of Dauntless cake both mine and Viloet's mouth watered. Once we got to the base of the flag, sncronizing with each other we sent the signal to Stella and Taylor, sadly I also heard another signal, saying that our defense is losing, we got to make this quick I will not lose!!

Violet's POV

Within 30 seconds Stella and Taylor appeared out of the gloom. To be honest I thought it was a monster DON'T JUDGE ME!!!. Though they might as well have been monster because they too were covered in blood. Wastin gno time we all pulled ourselves up and over only to see the face I hate the most, Eric.

I was woundering where he was during all the fight. He was loaded with amo and two "guns". HE pointed it at us and smiled " See you in the emerency room" and shoot. We all ducked out the way and then  moved around him. We all got a few good punches and kicks in before he punched me in the nose, Stella in the neck, Aria in the gut and Taylor in the Chest. We all tumbled over in pain. He walked over to us, standing in the middle of us.

All at once we kickked our legs out and towards Eric making him tumble forward, without missing a beat Stella jumped on top of hime and held own his legs, Aria held his arms. Me and Taylor  took his guns and shoot him multiply times all over his back he grunted in frustration and agony. The Erudite probably heard him all the way on the other side. GOOD! He deseves it an more,but we already showed him and he isn't what we came for.

We all strided over towards the flag, we held onto it all together just as we planned. We lifted it up and Shouted the signal loud a proud FOURTRIS FOR THE WIN!!!!!!!!! And within no time a roar went up in front of us. It then surrounded us , before I knew what happened my friends and I were lifted into the air by our teamates. Stella lets out a laugh and so do I soon so were Taylor and Aria. 

As we move through the dark night, I staredout at the stars. I prayed silently to my mom, I looked dow at the last thing I have of her the locket she gave me right before her death. I keep it wherever I go. I never take it off in fear of losing the last I have of my mother. I swear I hear her voice in my head whispering " Good job VI, you have done well, I am so proud of you! I love you. " I close my eyes, and imagine my mother smiling her warm hearted smile my father feel in love with.. "  And I know I have made her proud, everyone in my family and most importantly my self. I keep my eyes closed as I am carried into the mysterious night to who knows where,  off on my next adventure, with my friends at my side,and I wouldn't have it anyother way

HEY HEY HEY, hope you guys like this update. I am planning to update soon again so be prepared Don't forget to comment and vote. Goodnight my fans and thank you to all of you who read this story, and don't forget to have a great day, week, year and life. Stay sassy- sophiailva0615

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