A New Path

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Violet's Pov

"Today you will be tested on your performance with knives and guns- You will also be having your last fights today." Four said as he marched back and forth. We all made our way to the knife throwing area- Aria, Taylor, Stella and I all side by side. I picked up the knife testing the weight. I eyed the mark and released it. It hit to the right of the bullseye, but it didn't stick, I look over to see Stella and Taylor who weren't having much luck either. On the other hand Aria made it right in the bullseye her first time- I stare at her in astonishment. She gives me a smirk then says, " It's all science" . Yeah sure.

I return back to the target wielding another knife, I line it up then throw- this time hitting an inch from the center but sticking- an improvement at the least. I practice a couple more times each one getting closer, the last one nailing the center, before checking back on my friends. Aria has started to throw two, one in each hand both slamming into the bullseye. Taylor seems to have improved, her knives about an inch from the center as mine were- but it was Stella I was nervous about.  Stella hasn't made a single one stick, she once told me she was bad at throwing I didn't think she was this bad. I was about to ask if she needed help when Four came over, a scowl on his face- Oh no. He leaned in whispering something then pointed towards the board. She nodded then turned back towards the board- I watched her as she slowly grasped a knife, took a deep breath a flung the knife. It missed, Eric furious- stomped up to her, he stealthly picked up a stray knife and held it close to her neck.

Tris inched forward ready to rush Eric but Four latched onto her arm pulling her back. " You have four tries, every throw you miss- You have to throw at your friends. Get to the last one without success "he makes an invisible rip across her throat with the blade.  He lets her go, she ambles to the table. Bang! A knife falls. Bang! Another drops. Bang! Another one slams into the ground a gasp coming from the crowd. Tears filling her eyes she picks up the last blade- she looks longingly at us as if we can save her.  She looks at me, her chestnut green eyes pleading for forgiveness,it tears me apart. I can't help shut my eyes as she throws her last blade.I don't her a bang, I open my eyes to see a knife right in the middle of the board.

My heart soars before I realize she still has to throw them at us. Eric without even having the guts to look at us motion us to move. Aria, Taylor and I line up against the boards, the other initiates fixated on us. First is Taylor. Her best bet is that Stella aims as far away as possible from any body part- while still hitting the board. Stella arms herself carefully positioning the knife- tossing it. It slams into the wood centimeters from her hand. Next Aria, she tosses it once more the blade slicing into the board no less than an inch from her neck. Lastly she steps in front of the counter, her face showing no emotion. She lifts the knife chucking it towards me, I freeze once again closing my eyes. I feel the board behind me shake, my eyes fly open darting around to see where it landed. I lift my gaze up to see that the knife has stuck to the board above my head. I slip away, joining    my friends beside Stella. Eric stalks up " Don't screw up again," he spits. Stella whips around wrapping her arms all the way around us bring us into her embrace. " I'm sorry," she breaths, trying not to cry. "I didn't mean to drag you into this." We tell her to cheer up that she did it though- she didn't hurt us. But I could tell by the way she smiled she was still not over it. I've seen that smile before, in the people around here- trying to pretend that what they do here is still a virtue, that it's still 'being brave', yet they are the cowards.

We head over to the shooting range. I pick up my gun, hesitantly  following the instructions Tris gives us. I hold the weapon away from my chest I aim it at the cardboard cut out of a person's body. As it fires I shut my eyes- the bullet hitting the fake person in the shoulder .  Taylor leans over to my ear, " It might be more accurate if you open your eyes," she says sarcastically. I nod- this time I keep my eyes staring at the person's left side. The bullet pushes through the cardboard exactly where I aimed. Once again Taylor and I are on the same skill level - no wonder they keep pairing us up to spar. Aria some how a master at anything with aim has two guns in her hand and can simultaneously hit both targets dead center. Stella once again keeps getting frustrated as each bullet bounces back at her from the wall. This time it's Tris that approaches her- I only hear snips of their conversation " it's just a mental block" " It's not just that! I can't- I.." " No..... stop..... all you have to..... and think.. ( then she began to whisper in her ear) - I know it's not the ideal situation to put yourself in but just try it, you wouldn't want it to happen again"

Stella had an expression of bewilderment plastered on when Tris turned her back- her eyes swimming in the water that rose in her eye socket. In a daze she faced the black marked figure, she raised the gun and pointed it to the center, she took a shaky breath and pulled the trigger. It hit the smallest ring. Stella's far lit ups and we all crowded around her- how she managed to find her inner talent is a mystery.

After the session ended Taylor began to wander off- Stella being the first to notice jogged up to her leaving Aria and I to scramble after them two. "And where do you think you're going Taylor without notifying your knights?" Stella joked in unusually serious tone.

"What? Am I not allowed to go anywhere on my own anymore? I can handle myself- nothing will....." Taylor drifted off, never ending the sentence. We continued to move in an never before felt uncomfortable silence - leaving us all but Taylor to wonder where we are headed. As we shuffled through the seemingly empty halls, I followed a trail of scratches that were embedded in the walls. Taylor reaching an unrecognizable door- tore it open and strides inside- no introduction or knock. When I finally entered the room I noticed that Taylor's mood suddenly darkened, her posture straight her shoulders back, arms folded tightly against her chest, her eyes -frozen, stared blankly at the man leaning casually against his chair- Eric.

" To what do I owe this pleasure?" Eric spitted, snarling.

" Cut the crap Eric- you know why I'm here," Taylor returned bitterly. " You need to punish the man who- who, took advantage of me," she said her fiery tone falling.

" I'm sorry there is no evidence that this " attack" ever happened," Eric smirked coldly.

" NO EVIDENCE!?- Taylor was on the ground, bruised, bloody, scratched, she was practically dead," Stella retorted jumping over the desk and pushing Eric against the wall- no one stopped her. Eric pushed her back, causing her to stumble over the desk, she pushed herself up and launched herself again, but froze- a pistol pointed at her. She turned back.

"Now listen, I don't want to be the bad guy here- but if you want this case to even go to trial you'll have to get a witness to testify. " We all look at Stella, assured we could make the argument " It has to be someone who can testify not just for what was the aftermath but who has evidence against the perpetrator. " Our dreams fell. No one was there to see it, the cameras didn't cover that area, is Eric really going to let what happen just pass by without any punishment?

A new presence was felt in Eric's crumbling, shabby office room. A previously unknown voice cut through the uncertainty - " I can testify".

Hey guys it's been a long time- blah blah blah, I don't want to bore you with excuses( since I have none) but basically it's summer so I should have way more time to update. Sorry the chapter is short but it's good for now. Also sorry I always update late at night??? Anyway hope you guys liked this chapter - don't forget to vote and comment if you did. Hope you have a great hour, day, week , month, year and life! Stay sassy my fam~ Sophia_Fandom_Girl

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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