Going Home

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Stella's POV

We took the bus home, this reminded me of the test. Does everyone have the same test it just changes depending on your answers? If so what did Taylor do? Anyway we go off the bus and walked into our house other factions would be confused in minutes on where to go but we have memorized where we lived and everyone else.

We stepped inside and saw our dad talking to a congress member.  We both ran up the stairs, dad doesnt like it when we are in the room when he is working or talking. As we headed up the stairs I heard the congress member say something. " As always your children our shy, huh Marcus?" 

" Indead" he says making eye contact with Taylor and me giving us a death glare. We ran faster, we practically stumbled into our room. We both went to our beds and layed on them. We both looked at each other, should I tell her? Can I trust my sister. I mean of course I can but I mean what if I tell her and she transfers to like Erudite and tells them? I will ask her after the ceromony. What is she thinking?

Taylor's POV

I can't decide what to do, I can't trust anyone, I mean not even my own sister? I don't know what if she tells someone, ike the Erudite. But what if she doesn't? Ohhh I can't decide, what about the ceromoney what do I choose. Will my sister choose the same, will I be seperated. I can't be without her she was what got me through my hard times like when our mother died or even worse when Tobias left. I felt tears in my eyes but I dont let them out.

" Taylor, Stella come down for dinner" our dad calls down. He sounds annoyed,

We open the door and head down trying not to seem scared.

Stella's POV

Our dad calls us down, he seems upset that is never good. We slowly head down the stairs, we find our dad in the kitchen.

"Stella help me make dinner, Taylor get ready for dinner." When he says that he means take a shower. 

I give Taylor I quick glance her eyes tell me good luck she knows I will need it.

"So how did it go did you get Abnegation?'' He asks me as I cut some lettuce.

" Yes" I lie. " the administrator said it was no supprised." Even though I am part Candor I hope he believes me.

" Good" he says " now turn around and bend over. I do as he says I bite my lip waiting for the pain to come. " this is for your own good, you shouldn't have been so slow go up quicker you kids have already embarresed me already. He is talking about how Tobias left and how it embarresed him. He wips me once, twice, three times. I hold down a whimper and hold back my tears.

"Now go get clean" I  walk straight up the stairs I pass Taylor in the hall. She quickly gives me a quick hug.'' Thank you" I whimper. We then hurry off into different directions.

I head into the shower and clean myself off the water turns a rose red from the blood, it stings to much to bear. I let out a quiet sob. I hope Taylor is okay.

Taylor's POV 

I quietly but swiftly went down the stairs. I saw that dad was already putting the plates out so I helped.

" So what did you get on your apptitude test?" he asked with a little suspison in his voice.

I hesitated, can I trust him? No I can't.

"I got Abnegation,  did Stella get Abnegation?" I asked. He looked over, he glared his souless eyes at me. I knew I did something wrong.

"Turn around" he told me I did as he said, refusing would just make it worse. I bend over I clenched my fists to keep me from breaking my teeth. My knuckles turned white I was clutching so hard.

" Never ask what someone got for their test, only I can because I am your parent" he said and whipped me three times.

I tell me tears to hold back into my eyes. I then sit down, Stella comes down the stairs. We all start eating. I start eating fast because I want to go cry in my room. I hope Stella catches on to my hint. She does and startes eating at a faster pace. Stella than asks if she can be excused.

" Can I be excused too?' I ask my voice almost quavering.

" Sure, goodnight" he says hugging us, I hope he didn't notice but both me and Stella flinched. Stella qucikly puts the plates and stuff away and we bound up the steps.

I fall on my bed a begin to cry, Stella comes over and puts a bandaid on it to stop the bleeding. Without switching into our Pj's  Stella turns off the light. I start sobbing quietly in my bed I wish Tobias was here to comfort me as he always did. Almost reading my mind Stella comes over and with some trouble slides into bed next to me she embraces me and starts to  comfort me. Saying calming stuff in my head, I slowly start to drift away as sleep catches me in its grasp. I close my eyes, I have decided what faction I will choose. I hope Stella will choose the same.

Hey guys its me I just want to say thank you all who have voted for my book. Please dont forget to vote and comment. Have a great week wherever, also if you like my writing please consider reading my other book. See ya later Bros!!!!! BROFIST

Divergent : The Next GenerationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora