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Stella's pov

 Darkness, all around me. I feel like my brain is disconnected from my body, like I'm just floating in nothingness. Suddenly my thoughts form together and the darkness dissipates opening up to a blank ceiling. Where am I? What happened? Once again my brain isn't much help. My eyes roam around analyzing the room. The hospital? I have to stop waking up here. I sit up, throw my legs over the side and jump of the bed onto the ground. My legs buckle under neath me but I manage to stay on my feet. I then become aware of the the beds around. My eyes drift over the body that lays there, I know who it is though her appearance is not what you usually is. Her raven-black hair all in a mess, her body normal tense- always alert; is limp and pale with covered with black and blue contusions. Her lips that are usually turn up in a smile stay straight in a line, lastly her eyes-  consistently gleaming with excited anticipation, now shielded behind her eyelids. A tear washes down my face, I  Iean over hugging her pale, almost lifeless limbs.

I'm interrupted by a cough, I swing around facing the noise. It's Violet and Aria, looking awkwardly down at me. Finally Violet speaks out breaking the agonizing silence by saying " You're lucky- Four convinced Eric to move the practice to tonight." Aria continues " Yeah he said we were working 'hard' whatever that means''. I smile always knowing my friends to be there to cheer me up.

"You missed an amazing lunch though- 10 out of 10" Violet smirked.

" Also you have 20 minutes to get ready- and you smell horrible" Aria joked. I stood up and got right in her face making my words as airy as possible " How about now?'' Aria pretended to faint - falling into Violets arms- but not being ready fell over onto the floor. I rushed pass them to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I brushed my teeth and hair putting it into a french braid. I slipped on a purple tank top, black shorts and my sneakers then made my way to the gym getting there just in time.

We immediately started into training starting with weights, moving onto to  the punching bags then finally moving to running. We were all in cycles so I was the only one out of my friends running - Aria was at the bag and Violet doing weights. I watch as Aria punches the bag, spins and kicks the bag almost knocking off the hook. Meanwhile Violet was doing pull ups- I counted 7 before running into the back of someone. I look up at the metal face that is Eric's. Great just what I need.

'' Maybe next time watch where you're going Stiff" I sit there to scared to move.  " Well don't just sit there on you butt- stand up!" I shoot up- Standing up too fast, I hit him with my head on his chin. He glares at me mumbling about something before walking over to the mat and announcing " We will now be doing battles this will be one of the last ones we do- so don't fail." Great speech I mentally roll my eyes." Who would like to go first.... Stella thank you for volunteering." Eric says motioning game to move to the mat. He then choose Nick a built guy who's only weakness is speed. 

The fight begins, he aims a punch at my gut, I dive roll out the way I stand up just in time for him to come barreling towards me. I roll in between his legs then do a ninja move using my legs I straddle them around his neck then lean to the side flipping him over. He quickly gets up  and races at me hands out. I side step him but he was expecting this he grabs my arm swinging me back facing him. He elbowed me in the face then knees me in stomach- thank gosh I missed lunch. His hand still holding onto my arm I twist and flip him over my shoulder. Once he lands I kick his sides, he unsteadily  gets up as I'm still kicking him, He latches onto my leg pulling me into the air then dropping me. I trip him though he lands on me. " Damn- you want me bad, I didn't you and your sister were both sluts." He winks. Im utterly astonished- he made a wrong move. I pounce onto him me now on him- I bash him in the face, non stop, I don't let up until I hear the satisfying crunch of his nose breaking. Finally I get up tears in my eyes I spit on him and say "don't EVER speak of my sister that way'' then turn my back on him, wiping the blood from my face.

Eric stands there emotionless as Nick leaves to the emergency room. " Who's next to volunteer?" Abruptly the gym doors slam open- revealing Taylor standing tall her head held high. " I do" she said no trace of fear. " Anyone else?'' A muscly dude named Logan raised his hand a weird smile plastered on his face. The fight began and in no time she was on him pounding him, her punches swift, he caught one midway and leaned in, whispering something into her ear. Her face contorted into something heart retching. Tears filled her eyes as she crumbled to the ground- curling into a ball. He began to wail on her still an evil smile- matching Eric's on his face. I couldn't stand it anymore I jumped in grabbing his foot an twisting it I got up and jabbed him in the face he lifted me up and threw me across the mat.Shit

I awaited the blows, but they never came. A shadow lumbered over me but when I looked up it wasn't Logan- it was Taylor. I rolled off the mat and back to Violet and Aria. I gazed in amazement as Taylor with one kick to the head knocked Logan unconscious. She mumbled something- I couldn't exactly hear but it sounded like- Goodnight princess.

( if you don't remember go back two chapters at the end ;).

Hey guys I'm so sorry, really I have no excuse I should have update sooner- I'm going to try to update earlier then 4 months later. Sorry for any mistakesThank you so much for 1.56k!!!!! I love you guys so much and thank you for all your reads and votes. And if any of you have a question feel free to comment or message me. Also I know you don't really now who I am but everyone needs internet friends so if you ever want help or advice I'm here :) Once again thank you thank you so much! I love you and appreciate you all and feel free to vote and comment if you want. Have a great hour, day,week,month,year and life - And STAY SASSY MY FRIENDS - Sophia_Fandom_Girl

? Question of the chapter- do any of you have internet friends?

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