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Victoria Tywo is not weird. She's just... different.

That's what I told myself when she stepped out of the classroom without another word. And back at home when I got done with homework, shutting close the last textbook. I also said it again whilst showering then clearing out my email after. More forcefully anytime I heard the vivid voice of Sucks, doesn't it?

Familiar doesn't help at all, Unfamiliar helps too much but.. it'll be easier working with the latter. Fingers crossed.

Danielle-Soledad wasn't home when I got back and even an hour after, since she's well, got a job. I did put a call through to her but she cut my 'hey' off with an outright "I'm at work, 'nica. Let me breathe." Like she's my breath of fresh air and the reason I live.

I cleared my email of all junk, organized it and almost sent the address to the girl, Victoria Tywo, when I remembered I don't even have hers, or any of her socials. Or her number. And i'm not certain she'll be giving me any even when I ask. I'll probably be told to write it down on a piece of paper instead and that's fine.

At times I got the loathfull thoughts that she hated me, but I was always quick to switch it off. She's just different.

My email was filled with mostly spam messages from websites I'd been stupid enough to drop my address at, so in a matter of minutes, I was done. And back to doing nothing, but stare at the blankness of my computer screen. The screen's a family picture we'd taken two years ago.

It was a little after six I begun switching the pj's for a tank top over grey sweats. The white trainers were slipped on last. Now, It was very possible for me to end up alone when I got to the clearing, but it was also likely Tyler would've beat me to it. He did once say he came almost every night.

And I'm glad I went with the latter because there his silhouette was by the ocean as I cornered the last thick tree. I'd left the house with the sky only a bit dark, but we all know night comes fast once the sun goes down. Still, I was sure it was him.

A little paranoid, but for the most part, sure.

I'm also glad I didn't do the first thing that came to mind, which was to sprint the hell back home, same way I'd come.

"She calls it a head start, even when we're both aware it's more like a morbid push to death." I grimace, startled when it gets a laugh from him. And it's that deep hearty one that has me hugging my knees to my chest and smiling now, not much at whatever sense of humor I seem to have, but at the fact that I got such a reaction from him. The fact that we could just sit here on some rock and under the moonlight, talking like old friends catching up, or new friends starting out. These are the kind of times I like.

"She doesn't do it anymore. Thankfully. But there's still a bunch of other crazy things she does." I say, rolling my eyes off to the side but smiling a little when Tyler chuckles.

"You also do crazy things, don't you?" He asks in a way that I'm whipping my head to face him.

"I don't." I say firmly, my eyes on his till they drop a little lower to his lips and then i'm turning the other way. "I actually don't. Really. Dare I say, I'm boring."

"Boring people don't sneak out their balcony at 5am."

"I don't sneak out." I correct him, instantly regretting why I'd even told him about it in the first place. 'Cause that's why he has a brow raised in mock way. "I just.. don't leave through the door."

"Well, that's very very normal." He forces a look on me and I giggle. "It's kinda interesting, if you ask me. Not marvel kind of thrill but worth flipping a page to find out if you die." He makes sure to hold eye contact when he says the last part, biting down a smile.

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