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Danielle-Soledad got the job. Her deciding to wake me up at 1am, screaming words I could barely understand, was enough to let me know. Plus, she also told me again as I got ready for school this morning so it was easy to put two and two together.

The news being the first for me to hear, had me thinking today would be a good day. I'm not superstitious, but it did. And so far, it has been a good day. At least since Mr Steven announced he'd be reshuffling our partners for the project because - in his words - he can.

"This is so unprofessional!" Amy fumes next to me. "You can't just- It's wrong. I mean, hello? Doesn't anyone have something to say to this? It's got to be illegal! You can't do this."

"Like I said," Mr Steve states from a desk with a Jamaican girl three away from ours, "I can. And it's very much legal, Gardener, though in all honesty I haven't seen it written anywhere in the constitution. But if it were, I can assure you it'll be legal."

A few students chuckle from behind, but a hard glare from Amy quiets them.

Taking in a breath that seems to be intended to calm her nerves, she releases it and goes, "Alright. Fine. Good. But there's got to be some exceptions. There's some of us that've started already."

"That wouldn't include you now, would it?" He flashes a smile at her frustration. "Because last time I checked my board list, which is now," He waves an open hard-cover brown book, "yours and Martinez' names are yet to sign for those who've begun."

We're sat right next to each other so I don't exactly need to look her way to see how red she's turned.

The only time I have to do so, is when she cranes her neck slowly to face me, asking through a tight smile. "Why haven't we started, Melissa?"

"I, uh.." my eyes dart over to our classmates who equally have their eyes on me too, except theirs is static, intimidating me almost as much as Amy's. "was busy? You did say you were coming over the other day but never showed up."

She casts her head back, face up at the ceiling with palms over her eyes for the fleet moment. When all's done, she throws me an 'are you kidding me?' look, "You do know I would've still showed up, right? One of these days I'll still come around and.. ugh!"

Okay, yes, she indeed would come around, but it's always at the last minute. And by last minute, I mean  last minute. Well, the day before submission where she'd inquire for all details needed while I watch her practice giving the presentation for the next day, moving from one end of my room to the other and- Honestly, I had nothing against that.

I'd sort of come to terms with it since anyway, I'm not the type to choose giving a speech infront of a large classroom to walking over broken glass. I usually only stood beside when she spoke.

But I'd always known it'll feel much better if she'd assisted in some way - any way, and I didn't have to be the one who'd do it all alone then give the run down of major facts to her for presenting.

Though I guess I'd never really known how much I wanted a better partner till Mr Steve announced what he'd did. He'll be choosing ours instead so we'd all have to start over.

Fingers crossed he won't be changing his mind.

Amy and I continue our conversation, which is mostly her hammering questions that should be certified unreasonable while I answer like they're alright and reasonable. Our bickering is in low-tones so whoever's eyes are on us can only see our lips move, facial expressions too. But seats nearby can hear Amy's whisper-shouts.

This continues until our teacher, fortunately for me, has had enough. "Alright, Amelia, that should be it. I believe whatever misunderstanding we had is now been resolved, I'll need to announce your new partners already."

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