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Danielle wasn't very... happy to see me yesterday. She wasn't very happy, in general.

Every heated step she took after bolting the gate open for me to come in, as well as the red puffy eyes and grumpy disposition, proved that.

When I got into the house, it was clear dad was the major reason for it. He stood in the living room amidst a colorful bunch of angrily thrown pillows. It's a normalty that when Danielle's mad, it's the pillows that suffer. When you refuse to allow her drive despite, well surprisingly, passing a driving test for the third time in a row - it's the pillows that suffer.

Dad's over six-foot figure appeared mentally beaten up by his barely five foot two daughter.

I don't even think she's up to 5'2. I stood next to her the other day, and felt almost like a giant. Well, almost.

Sadly, the whole thing crossed out my initial decision of telling dad I might be needing his help for a ride home, since my best friend's wasn't one anymore. While i'm against picking sides, alot of people in my life seem to expect it, and Danielle's one of those people.

To rub in the fact that I wasn't allowed to speak with dad, who'd gone out anyway, my sister spent the entire evening narrating and re-narrating how annoying it is, not allowed to own a car at the oh-so-great age of eighteen.

I also spent part of my evening asking Pamela if I could use her car.

I knew it was crazy, but I guess the intensity of how bizarre my request was, wouldn't have sunk in till she said it too. "That's crazy."

"Yes. Yeah, I know it's crazy but-"

"Last time I checked, you haven't driven before, have you?"

I didn't bother saying I'd driven one of dad's trucks some time last year because it wasn't a pretty incident at all. I barely made it out of the garage alive, and when I did, I drove it right back inside.

Like her typical self, she felt bad for how she replied and quickly added, "I just don't want you scaring innocent people on the road, you know."

I almost laughed because if there's one thing her driving does, is scare innocent people on the road. But then I held it back in since I'm aware while Pamela might admit to many flaws - being overly picky, maybe a snub, too in love with the color pink - she'll never admit to being a road hazard. She really does think she drives alright and people on the street aren't just, well, careful enough.

"You're right it's crazy. I don't know what I was thinking."

She seemed to be pondering on it as the line went quiet for a while.

"Okay, let me get this- Who dropped you off today?"


"Can't he drop you off tomorrow?"

"That's the thing, i'm not sure if he can. If I can bank on him. He wasn't even in school today, just showed up at the brink of time I needed help."

"Ooh, cross our fingers same thing happens tomorrow?"

She couldn't see me but definitely must've guessed the flat look I gave in return since she laughed into the phone. "Okay, uh, the bus?"

"I hate it."

"True, same. The bus is for the weird ones. Like Bri."

"Brea takes the bus?"

"No, was just saying. She's got a car but I hear her driving is terrible! L.O.L. Anyway, uh, God, I wish there was someone I knew who lived East side but... Even Amy's like a mile away."

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