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"And does your daddy know what you're up to?"

Mierda. I shake my head at how seductive my sister had to make that come out. "Try bleaching your mind one of these days, that's what you should be up to."

If the universe was on my side, Danielle-Soledad - yes, she has two first names - wouldn't exist but she does.

Her sour mode as after effects of breaking up with Nathan, spilled into two weeks after summer. I was lowkey thankful for it as it helped keep my mouth shut of all the happenings since resuming this semester.

Scratch happenings, I mean Tyler. Helped keep my mouth shut of all the Tyler.

But as soon as she snapped back to her old self, which was at around 5pm four days ago, I spilled it all. Including my running into him that early morning. Yes, ofcourse, I outed myself in the process. Now, she knows where I go at 6am.

I hate that as annoying as she is, I can't keep anything from her.

Well, now I'm paying the consequences because while she's promised not to tell a thing to dad,  she's been making sure to wake up right when I'm about to sneak out just for the purpose of being a nuisance.
Plus, spicing up my looks like there's anything more I'd wear than a shirt on sweats.

"It'll surprise you that I love myself just as I am." She winks.


"Yes, shocking." She says before drawling out an exaggerated 'Anyway.'

I groan, mumbling incoherent words as I turn back to her. I'm beside the screen door while she strolls around my room like it's hers.

And I can guess today's gonna be a sunny day as there's already an early ray of sunshine. That early ray lights up her facial features - porcelain skin, dark freckles across chubby cheeks and curly hair so disheveled it's dropping on her lifted brows. Oh okay, I get why people claim we look alike. Although, my hair's straightened out at the moment.

"What?" I ask.

"You're not about to leave without applying eyeliner?"

"Actually... I was." I know she wouldn't even mind my response before stroking some eyeliner she's holding atop my lashes.  Very hard, even, I might've felt the painful effect if my lashes weren't relatively long.

After what feels like forever, I successfully make it out to my balcony, sliding the door back as it was. Locking it too, just in case she tries to be funny.

"Hold up, unlock it." She calls out with a voice holding unnecessary entitlement from the other side of the door. Unlike other mornings, I refuse to.

"What is it, Soledad?"

"Just unlock it, okay?"

"What is it you want?" I hear my voice come out as frustrated as I am.

"Let me out or I'll scream."

Honestly? Sometimes she's such a pest I forget I'm the younger sister. Unlocking the door anyway, I slide it all the way to the right - still trying to use my hands as barricade to avoid her coming out.

I think I'm quite funny to have thought that'd work. With ease she's out and infront of me, holding up a lip balm.


Heaven have mercy.

"Soledad, it's a walk."

"With Tyler Jones." She makes a look. A good look because she's got a good point. Except that since bumping into each other in the rain that day, we haven't exactly met. On the street. I might have seen his silhouette once or twice but he's always too far away for us to exchange words. Let alone, for him to see my chapped lips, if they are chapped.

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