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"Nice hair."

Going back and forth over a million times, my sister still ended up giving me a haircut. Claiming she's gotten better than the last time. A 'last time' that we will not talk about.

The haircut was a scary process, with me, now and again, getting terrified she might just shave off all of my hair and keep me looking like a monk for the rest of my life... or a couple months. While she was a jolly little
fellow with hair equipments.

We ended up with a French style. My hair was now straightened all the way down my back, while the front was chopped off to bangs that stopped right above my eyebrows. I was surprised it turned out good. And I say this unapologetically because nothing my sister ever does comes out okay. Looking at myself in the mirror, I actually looked nice. It actually was nice hair.

Still is, ofcourse. But the last person I ever expected a compliment from is Amy. So while she stands there with a plastic smile as her pedicured nails rhythmically tap on the table, I sit in silence. Shocked, confused, and hoping she doesn't take the vacant seat next to mine.

It's obvious the universe never listens to me as she does take the seat, regardless. Her slim figure takes only a small part of the seat, allowing her large personality take up the rest of the space. Overlapping, even, so much that it suffocates. Just like her peach scented perfume.

A.P Chemistry was to start fourteen minutes ago but hasn't, - that's usually the case with this class - permitting everyone to be as loud as they want to be. There still are people strolling in and I can only hope Mr Steve's one of them, at least before Amy tries to strike conversation.

"Ugh, it's sunny today." She says. I sigh. I don't have to reply. I don't have to reply. "Isn't it?"


My eyes instinctively go to the other end of the classroom where there are large ceiling-to-floor windows. Rays of sunlight permeate through and I can only be sorry for those who're gonna end up sitting at that corner.

"I guess it is." I respond. Mr Steve please come already.

"About the project for this term," she turns to me excitedly. Over - excitedly. "We should be partners." So, this is what the compliment was for.

I let out a low sigh already knowing how this goes. She'll claim to bring the 'jazz and spazz' while I bring the brains. The results might be nice, alright, except that she never does bring the... 'jazz' and whatever. As a matter of fact, she never even brings herself. I'm really the only one who ends up doing all the work and ofcourse, share the credit.

A.P chemistry's my worst class, not only because the teacher always shows up late and disorganised - plus never gives me anything higher than a B - but also because Amy Gardener is in it.

"I could bring in my jazz and spazz while you bring in your... pretty little brain." I'm not sure if she's trying to be funny when she adds, " Or should I say big brain."

We both fake a laugh.

"Ah, amazing!" I feign all the sadness I can as I spill out a lie I've never told before, "But this time I've already got a partner."

Silence ensues.

Well, not really since the classroom is as roudy as a store during sales with especially students at the back doing what they do best - talk, but between us, Amy and I, the silence is so thick that i'm now thinking she can see right through my lie. Please believe me, please believe me.

"A partner?"


Another moment of silence.

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