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"That's... that's the lamest thing you've ever said, Melissa."

"But it's true. And kinda funny too." I tell her, getting down the steps whilst shading my eyes from the sun.

We're lucky, is what I told Victoria when I found out that after our shared class of A.P Chem, we still both had a free period together which is the last class for today.

She said luck isn't what she'd call an hour and twenty minutes with me, but I knew she was joking. Throughout the free forty minutes we've been strolling to and fro the different hallways, occasionally running into other students who've got a free period as well. Finally though, we decided it was boring and came outside.

Well, I decided to come outside, then drag her along despite her cries about the sun being out there like she's a vampire.

Once I'm by her side, we lean on a small wall lined with flower pots at the top, our eyes searching over the empty area for lack of something to do.

"Mr Whiskers." She mumbles. Then scoffs. I roll my eyes.

"Mr Whiskers is the best name to give an insufferable teacher who's got a mousy moustache."

"Very creative."

I giggle. "Pamela used to find it funny. She didn't like him, for good reasons— No, for bad reasons. She never did her homework."

"Typical." Victoria blurts, kicking a pebble that stops a few meters away. "Why didn't you help her with it?"

"Mr Whiskers— sorry. Mr Gary knew my handwriting, or knew Pamela's? So, I couldn't. I was warned not to after I'd helped the first time."

She nods to herself, her head appearing to have a million thoughts running through them. I'm about to turn away from watching her and look straight ahead, when a group of girls catches my eye.

Pamela's in the center, with Amy somewhat on the left. They just had to come around at this time.

Their training shorts and tees are just as short and sparkly as their actual cheer uniform. And they walk like models on a runway.

My eyes focus on Pamela first just to find her already staring. Well, only Victoria and I are out here so of course she'd find us. Find me.

"Speaking of the devil."

I ignore Vicky's comment, letting my gaze drift over to Amy who keeps a face so straight I almost forget how she cornered me this morning.

"Let's go to the back," Victoria suggests, probably noticing my fallen mood.

When the rift with Pamela was fresh, I'd avoided saying her name out loud, especially in past terms. Victoria also assisted with that, it wasn't an obvious move from her but I noticed. Whenever I gushed about a memory that ended with Pamela being in it, she'd help to quickly change the topic.

But today it shows I've gotten past that. I was able to say Pamela used to find it funny, without having my heart strain within it's cage.

I guess it just still kinda hurts when I see her. With her other friends. And have to watch as she goes into the school building without even a wave.

But I should be used to it by now. "Yeah, let's.. do that."

The gravely ground crunches beneath our feet as we walk in silence, because Victoria doesn't talk about what just happened. She never does, especially when it comes to Pamela and I figure it's 'cause she was never her biggest fan to start with.

"Hey, look." Is the first thing she says after so long.

I raise my head to where her gaze is, and I'm met with Tyler, coming out the back door exit with a bunch of other guys. He's laughing at what one of them said when he spots me. I blush and look away.

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