good or bad?

Beginne am Anfang

Okey, back to the present.

"Skyler Sky Hewthorne! If you don't come down here right now imma whip your skinny ass!"

What could she want? To hit us ? It didn't hurt that much, but the thought of your mom hating you hurts like a bitch.

I came downstairs to find my mom with three small suit cases. Was she leaving for a trip? Wait. Those are our suit cases.

What? Why does she have them?

I don't get it. I started to slightly panic.

What is she gonna do?

Make us sleep in there? I mean surely we would fit, but c'mon. Sleeping in suit cases? What if she closes them and we suffocate to death?

No, wait. They are packed suit cases.

Oh lord. What now? What can I do? What is she going to do?

"Yes mother?" I said lacking confidence.... what can I say? She's intimdating.

"What the fuck took you so damn much, you ass?" She sneered at me.

Ok, now am pissed. It took me about 30 seconds to come!

What is she expecting? For me to teleporth myslef?

"Mother I came as soon as you called me." I said rolling my eyes.

Oh no.

Wrong move.

Me and my big mouth.

Kendall's POV

Oh no. Wrong move.

Why the hell does she have the need to stick up for herself?

I'm all for it, but not against mother.

I watched as mother's face became red with fury, and she glared at my sister.

Then Bam ! She slapped her; Hard. I saw her eyes tear up, and felt mines too tear up. I'm guessing Scarlett was about to cry too. I can't stand watching my sisters get hurt.

I was watching from upstairs, mom had called Sky, and I don't like where this is going.

"I apologize" sky said, tears streaming down her red bloody cheek.

She had also managed to scratch her preety deep.

"Whatever ass hole, I don't give a shit about what you say." She said in that bitchy tone of hers. God I hate her.

"Anyways I called you to tell you something"

"And what would that be?" sky said, clearly irritated.

My mom didn't notice though. Thank god.

"Kendall and Scarlett! Get your butts over here!"

Me and Scarlett sprinted downstairs, anything to avoid an angry mother.

"Yes?" scar asked.

"Ah! My three little whores, I want to inform you that you will be leaving this house tonight"

"Say what?" I asked shocked shocked.

"As I said am disowning you. Am tired of you. Don't come back, ever. I bought you plane tickets, you'll be leaving in 3 hours. You are headed to London. I don't ever want to see you again. I have plans. I have to do something and I can't have you in my way. Is that clear? Now out!" She screamed the last part before kicking us all put the house into the freezing cold morning.

On Christmas!

Scarlett's POV

She kicked us out. I didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

To be quite frankly it was sad, I was scared.

What were we gonna do with barely any money and plain tickets to London?

I watched my sister's shocked angry, confused and sad expressions; mines

probably mirroring theirs.

We stayed in silence for five minutes, just staring at each other. What are we gonna do?

Finally Skyler spoke, echoing my thoughts "What are we gonna do?"

"We head to London" kendall said tottaly catching me off guard.

"WHAT?!" me and Sky screamed ate the same time.

Was she seriously thinking about heading to London?

"It's our chance to start over guys! And in London! I recall three twins dreaming their whole lives of living there! Yeah we have very little money, only what we find and somehow got, which is about 300 dollars! But look at the bright side here! We're gonna live in London! Go to the London eye, and Big Ben! We're gonna ride the two stories buses, and visit the Buckingham palace!" Ken reasoned.

"We have no money! We are homeless. We're gonna have to live in the streets!" I snapped.

"We'll get jobs. We'll figure it out!" she screamed throwing her hands up in frustration.

We thought about it for a long time before skyler said "She's right, we should go. I mean we at least have to try. It's a big opportunity. " sky said.

I still wasn't convinced though.

"Look, Scarlett, why were we saving up those 300 dollars for? To move to London. It has always been our dream. We can do it. I mean, we even have the plane tickets"

"Yeah ok" I mumbled. No point in arguing there. I'm not going to win. It's just I hate heights, and a plane ride isn't exactly close to the ground. Sure it isn't why I was hesitant to go, but it sure puts it's weight on it.

Ken started jumping up and down enthusiastically, Yeah she's by far the most immature of us three.

"Okay c'mon" I grabbed my little suit case, and my guitar.

kicked out. Is that good or bad? I honestly don't know.

In search of happiness ~don't recommend reading this-Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt