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Lisa looked cool and calm on the outside but inside she was nervous, judging by the stakes in her friends' hands and the fact they were fighting a werewolf with a slayer in the woods, the vampire felt it was safe to assume they knew she was a vampire.

The four women all got up to their feet now the werewolf had ran away from Lisa in fear. They may be safe from the beast for now but now the girls were faced with something much worse, a vampire. 

Jihyo gripped her wooden stake tightly, gently moving it to a more accessible position in case she needed to use it. Nayeon very slowly and cautiously straightened herself up from behind the log. Nobody wanting to take their eyes off the redhead.

Sana's whole body was trembling and her breathing began to get even more rapid than before, but not of fear but rather emotion. 

"LISA!" the Japanese girl yelled in tears as she launched herself at the Thai, wrapping her arms around her tightly. Lisa reciprocated the hug and held her friend equally as tight.

Nayeon and Jihyo both looked at each, their own eyes now crystallising with tears. They both instantly dropped their weapons and ran over to their friends. The three girls all embraced the vampire firmly as they exchanged a mass of 'I missed yous' and crying. They knew what she was, and perhaps through sheer naivety, they didn't care. 

"You're not going to bite me are you?" Sana asked as she looked up at Lisa with gleaming sad eyes. Lisa giggled, "I love how you ask me that after you ran over and hugged, and not before". The girls laughed as they wiped their eyes.

"Huh? Jennie where are you going?" Nayeon asked as she saw the slayer head off into the trees. "I'm going to hunt that werewolf, it's still out there" the black haired girl replied bluntly and without emotion. 

"No you can't it's too dangerous!" Jihyo protested. Lisa agreed with her friends, "Jen it ran away, werewolves are terrified of vampires it isn't going to attack you again while I'm here".

Jennie readied her stake, "doesn't matter, it's still dangerous and capable of killing people. It needs to be stopped". The redhead rolled her eyes, "and then what? Go to the ocean and kill all the sharks because they're dangerous too? It's out in the forest, humans shouldn't be here anyway". The slayer shook her head in annoyance, "this is totally different, werewolves aren't normal animals they are supernatural and dangerous". "So you're just going to kill it?" Lisa replied angrily. "Yes" the slayer yelled as she continued to march off into the trees, perused by the other girls, "it's a monster and has probably killed people already". 

"That isn't its fault!" Lisa  yelled back, "that werewolf was an ordinary person once, an ordinary person who got bitten and turned into something dangerous without any say in the matter. Turned into something it never wanted to be and forced to do evil things by a dark force it can't control". Jennie laughed ironically, "so what?! It still hurt people, it still caused pain whether it had a choice or not. It is still a tool of evil". 

Jihyo leaned in between her two friends' heads and whispered, "do yall get the feeling they aren't talking about the werewolf anymore?". Nayeon nodded, "...overidentifying much?". 

"Ever think the reason it came out to the forest was to keep itself away from humans?" the Thai protested, "choosing a life of isolation so it can't hurt anybody anymore?". "I don't care" Jennie replied as she stopped walking and looked Lisa in the eyes, "it's a monster and I'm a slayer. Simple". 

Teeth II Jenlisa AUWhere stories live. Discover now