Only Human

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Mina was uncharacteristically unsettled, the supernatural fog rolling in from the town was causing her distress. The change in Mina's demeanor had not gone unnoticed by the redheaded Thai, who was nervous enough already. "I don't think this is a good idea" Lisa uttered. The Japanese girl nodded in agreement, "of course it isn't, downright stupid if you ask me but the slayers will die if we don't help them". "And you care about that?" Lisa asked. "No" Mina replied bluntly, "but you do and I can't let you die either".

Lisa and Mina had been sent ahead of the group to sense danger as the more experienced of the vampires. Chaeyoung was with the group, and Sunmi was locked in the cage back in the warehouse.

"How are you feeling?" Mina asked, attempting to distract herself. "I don't think I can bring myself to fight Queen Sandara and the clan, they have been my family for decades" Lisa answered honestly, "I don't know how much use to everyone I'm going to be". Mina sighed, "they aren't your family Lisa, they're the people that murdered you". Lisa shook her head, "you don't understand what being part of a clan is like. We care about each other". What Lisa said was true, Mina hadn't experienced being part of a vampire clan, she had always been one of the Lonely Ones. The Japanese girl didn't respond. The mysterious fog grew stronger as the vampires lead the group closer and closer to the town, but as the fog grew stronger, so did their doubts. Though Lisa's concerns were far beyond just that of everyone's safety, she had one thing, or one person, in particular to worry about.

Bangkok, Thailand, 33 years ago.

Street merchants from every direction were eager to get the attention of the many potential customers in this overcrowded marketplace, the heat making things very uncomfortable for people trying to walk through. Lots of shouting and everyone bumping into one another. Not that the young brown haired woman collecting groceries cared much, few things bothered her in fact, especially today. She bought vegetables, fruits, meats, everything that was written on a long shopping list that her mother had given her in the morning. Though it was the sweets on the list that the woman was particularly interested in.

The sun shone brightly in the woman's face as she grinned at the sound of her best friend's voice in the distance.

"LISA!" a young man yelled as he raced to catch up with the woman, "Lisa wait up". Kunpimook, or BamBam as his friends called him was a tall man with dark brown hair, hair that bounced up and down as he ran quickly towards the woman. " did" he panted furiously, desperately attempting to catch his breath, "how did it go?". The woman grinned, she had a smile so bright that it rivalled the sun, a sun that was forcing her to place a hand across her eyebrows, shielding her eyes from the rays. "It went really well" she responded in a cheery tone of voice, "I knew the answer to every question, didn't get stuck on anything once!". 

BamBam and Lisa high-fived each other.

Today was the day that many students across Thailand took their exams, something that for months now Lisa had been studying very hard for. "What about you?" Lisa asked. "Fairly certain I'm going to fail" the man replied with a light chuckle. Unlike Lisa, BamBam hadn't focussed his efforts in examinations, with excellent sporting abilities his aspirations lay outside of the academic area. Lisa rolled her eyes and laughed, "Typical. Are you sure your parents are going to let you out tonight?". The tall boy nodded, "of course they will, I have the perfect technique to ensure they never know that my exams were a disaster". "Which is?" she enquired. BamBam grinned widely, "lie!". 

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