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A further month had passed by since Lisa saw Mina. 4 more weeks of crippling guilt and self pitying, 30 more days of heavy drinking and trying no to exist. The Thai sat on top of a bridge, her legs hanging over the edge as she looked down at the train tracks below. Mina had tried her best to convince Lisa to join her and return to Yes-Seong but the red head just couldn't do it, couldn't face her clan, couldn't face Jennie, couldn't face her past. She still believed it was safer for humans if she stayed away from them entirely. 

The vampires drained the last few drops from the beer she was drinking and dropped the bottle from the edge, watching it smash against the tracks as it hit the ground. She was exhausted, the blood she was getting from the animals she occasionally found wasn't nearly enough to sustain her and she was getting proper sleep either. Every time she closed her eyes she saw the faces of her victims, heard their screams, heard her own laugh as they begged for their lives. She remained still, her large dark green plaid shirt, blue jeans and black beanie wet from the rain.

Lisa's eyes drifted from the broken glass and up towards the light in the distance, a train was coming. The Thai hadn't come to this bridge to kill herself, after all a fall wouldn't be enough to kill a vampire but she saw an opportunity. Every time she had tried to kill herself in the sunlight the demonic survival instincts took over, and forced her body to move. However, if Lisa times this right, and drops just as the train passes by then it will hit her so hard she'd be crippled until sunrise, unable to move, unable to escape the light.

The Thai's vision was blurred from tears and her body was so weak, she pushed herself over the edge as the train approached but she landed on top of it. Crashing roughly onto the roof, bouncing off and rolling into one of the roofless storage carriages, smashing into some crates.

Lisa lay on her front on the cold metal floor of the carriage, watching her own blood form a puddle as it poured from her skull, her index finger twitching slightly. Tears streamed from the vampire's eyes as she whimpered in both psychical and emotional pain, "J-Jennie".

Jennie gasped loudly as she shot up in bed in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. The slayer's whole body was trembling, this was the 4th or 5th time she had heard someone calling her name in the past two months. She had suspected it was the other girls playing tricks on her but as she looked over to the other side of the warehouse she could see they were all fast asleep. Jihyo slept on the old sofa, Nayeon and Sana sharing a double mattress. Jennie opted to sleep alone on the other side of the large room, making a bed on the floor out of cardboard boxes and white sheets. 

Jennie got up out of bed, only wearing a long t-shirt and nothing else. She wrapped a warm dark jacket around herself and headed outside. Though the slayer suspected the other girls were saying her name, she never really believed it. It wasn't just that she was hearing it through her ears, she was hearing it in her head, feeling it in her chest like something was calling out to her. The black haired girl stared out at the large forest off in the distance, about a half an hour away in a vehicle, she felt drawn to it but didn't know why. Was the forest where her name was being called?. As weird as the idea sounded, even to her, she had learned not to ignore her instincts. The slayer in her was telling her that something in the forest was reaching out to her, trying to get her attention. "I have to go there" she whispered to herself as she continued to look out in that direction, the stars twinkling above her.

"Oh man" a tiny little voice whined in a Trinidadian accent from behind the small wall of the roofless train carriage, two little hands trying to climb over. The sounds of shoe scuffing on the outside of the carriage could be heard along with little grunts, "ouch!" the tiny voice groaned as they managed to pull themselves over but landing roughly on top of a crate. The owner of the tiny voice stood to their feet and dusted off their yellow dress, she was a little black girl with bright brown eyes, long hair tied into braided pigtails, a little teddy bear fastened around her waist with a piece of string next to a wooden stake.

Teeth II Jenlisa AUWhere stories live. Discover now