Jihyo and Nayeon both packed up the back of the van, Sana sitting in the front getting ready to drive. The girls were packing food, clothes, bedding, weapons, anything they may need as they prepared to travel to the forest.
Jennie was clearing up the warehouse ensuring there was nothing left behind that might indicate that she'd been there, it wouldn't be long till the Order found her trail. The connection to the forest felt stronger today, the slayer wasn't sure whether that was just because she knew she was going there or because this was all leading to something. The black haired girl had advised the others to pack up as much of their stuff as possible, she didn't know how long they'd be in the forest for.
Jennie sat in the passenger seat of the van in a large black hooded coat, staring out of the window as Sana drove the girls towards the forest. Nayeon and Jihyo sat in the back with all the stuff, gossiping about people they used to go to school with as they scrolled through other people's Instagram feeds.
The black haired slayer was in a trance as her head rested against the glass, thinking about Chaeyoung.
"We are running out of gas".
"Huh?" Jennie replied as she was brought back to reality, "what did you say?".
"We are running out of gas" Sana repeated while tapping the dial on the van that detailed how much fuel was left in the tank. The slayer leaned her head over to look at the dial, it was dangerously close to empty, "there's a gas station about 5 minutes away, we can stop there". The Japanese girl nodded and continued to drive.
The gas station had a relatively large convenience store attached to it, the girls decided to stock up on more supplies while they were here. Jennie certainly wasn't lacking for the money.
The black haired slayer wore a surgical mask over her face and had her hood up to disguise her identity. Sana kept holding up various products in front of Nayeon for approval before putting them in the shopping cart. Nayeon shook her head, "and how do you expect us to cook that without a kitchen?". "Rice, ramen, tinned beans" Jennie added, "anything we can cook in a pan over a fire". Sana nodded and focussed on more camp friendly foods.
Jihyo was collecting toiletries and other non-food related products the small group of women would need.
"What about these?" Sana asked while holding a pack of marshmallows up to Jennie's face. Jennie sighed, "Sana we are going on a slayer mission not summer camp...get the bigger pack". The Japanese girl grinned happily and grabbed the larger of the marshmallow packs.
Lisa winced in pain, quickly throwing herself backwards over the other side of couch to hide from the sunlight as Tiffany walked into the apartment. "Shit sorry" the former slayer captain rushed to close the door, slamming it as she blocked the sun, "I'm not used to harbouring vampires". The Thai came out from behind the sofa, "hey I'm not the one who's on the run, I'm harbouring you". Tiffany laughed, "yeah I guess you are". "How the mighty have fallen" Lisa smirked, "renowned captain hiding away with a demon". Tiffany threw down the packs of blood from the butches onto the coffee table, "a demon with feelings who sleeps with a teddy bear" she replied with a bigger smirk than the vampire's, "really want to start pulling at that thread?".
Lisa grinned as she took a swig of beer from a bottle, "fair enough, well played". "Drinking at this time of day?" the dark haired girl said disapprovingly. Lisa stared back blankly with a raised brow. Tiffany chuckled lightly, "oh right, not really an issue for vampires? It's all just burning hours vs non-burning hours to yall right?". The Thai nodded, "pretty much".

Teeth II Jenlisa AU
FanfictionBook 2 and sequel to Teeth *WARNING - Violent themes, bad language and sexual scenes* This story won't make sense if you haven't read Teeth. Check out my other books, Teeth book 1, Over and Over, Orange Is the New BLACKPINK book 1 and book 2 (Lone...