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Steam rose from a cup of coffee that had been placed down casually on a small wooden desk. Papers and files lay beside the cup, illuminated by a desk light in an otherwise dark room. A black haired man rested his head against his hands in frustration, inhaling deeply as he continued to read through the files and the notes he had made. The wall's of this man's office were covered in missing persons and murder victims, or people who had died of 'mysterious causes'. The man had marked the locations of the disappearances and deaths, the times and nature of the crimes, attempting to find a pattern.

He was sure; Yes-Seong was plagued with a serial killer, maybe more than one. He was determined to catch them. 

"Minho, are you coming to bed it's late?" a female voice said from behind the door, the man's wife. "I'll be there in a minute" Minho replied in an upbeat tone of voice, forced. In truth he was in anything but a good mood. A few months ago this young private investigator had received a plea of help from a desperate woman, a mother who had lost one of her sons; Kim Jiwon, known by friends as 'Bobby'. Bobby had been killed in highly suspicious circumstances after doing an investigation of his own into the disappearance of his friend. Bobby's mother believed he had been murdered because he got too close to the truth, the police were unwilling to investigate any further after Mayor Dara ordered them to focus on 'high priority' cases like catching the terrorists that attacked the town. 

Minho had promised his wife he wouldn't take on any more cases for a while, they were planning on starting a family shortly after getting and married. His wife was now pregnant and Minho was supposed to be focussing on that, but he couldn't ignore this woman, her child was dead he had to help. 

But the young detective hadn't anticipated what investigating Bobby's death would unearth, a whole town riddled with murder and corruption. Bobby was just a small piece of a much bigger puzzle and Minho was no closer to putting it together even after months of work.

He brushed his hands through his hair as she leaned his head right back.

"Minho!" his wife called.

"Coming" he replied. The frustrated and exhausted detective turned off the desk lamp and headed out of the room to finally go to bed.

Beside the photos of victims on the wall, was details of possible suspects and names of interest. Minho suspected Sandara herself of institutional corruption, though that was much beyond him and not something he could much about. Other names featured potential witnesses or people believed to be close to the victims.

Minho had circled and highlighted two names in particular, two names that kept coming up again and again in connection with a lot of murders and disappearances. Kim Jisoo and Lisa Manoban. 

Minho was eager to talk to the school girls, they might be able to provide him with vital information. Unfortunately for the detective however, he couldn't find either of them, neither girl had attended school in months but nobody had reported them missing. People were constantly going missing in this town, it was hard to keep track of. 

As Minho entered his bedroom, his wife was laying in bed watching the local news on the television. "I don't like living here" she said as she rubbed her hand over her pregnant belly, "this isn't a good place to raise our child". The detective stripped down into his boxers and got into bed, he fluffed his pillows roughly and began to get himself comfy, ignoring his wife's complaints. "Minho" she continued, "are you listening? You said you weren't going to take any more cases for a while but I was understanding and supportive when you took one more. I didn't want to leave our home to come to this shithole of a town but I did to support you. But this place is dangerous for our child, how much longer are we going to stay here?". 

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