For Her

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"Do the eye thing!"

Jennie started to grumble as she stirred from her sleep.


The slayer rubbed her eyes; still sore from crying the night before. She began to sniff, she could smell something yummy, someone was cooking breakfast.

"I like the growling noises can you do those again?"


"What kind of foolishness..." the New Zealander uttered to herself as she became aware of the noise in the background. 

Jennie casually threw on some grey sweatpants and a large black t-shirt as she got up out of bed. In the corner on the one side of the warehouse was Wendy and Seulgi, cooking breakfast for everybody. No sign of the three stooges however...

The slayer headed over to where the cage was.

"Can you see you own reflection?"

"Does it hurt when your teeth change?"


Sana, Jihyo and Nayeon spotted Jennie approaching and quickly ran away from the cage, trying their best to act casual and pretend like they were doing something else. 

The black haired girl raised an eyebrow suspiciously before peering into the cage. Sunmi was sat in the corner, to say the vampire was pissed off would be an understatement. 

"Where's Lisa?" Jennie asked. Sunmi shrugged, "don't know. She left last night". The slayer noticed that the cage was locked, "did she do this?" she said as she pointed at the lock. The vampire nodded slowly, "she thinks you won't kill me while I'm trapped in she right?". Jennie folded her arms and stared at Sunmi intensely, "that depends on you, Lisa is the only thing keeping you alive right now", the slayer leaned in towards the bar a little closer, "but I would love for you to give me a reason". 

Miya snarled demonically with anger, but did not say anything further. 

"She did the growl thing" Jihyo giggled happily. 

"Something smells good" Jennie uttered cheerily as she headed over to Seulgi and Wendy, her cheeriness was fake and the two women could see right through it. "It will be ready soon" Seulgi replied with a smile, "I'm guessing Lisa won't be joining us?" she asked, a subtle attempt to find out what was going on. The slayer shook her head, "Sunmi said she left...I don't know if she's coming back or not but I'm figuring she would have taken our toothy guest with her if she was gone permanently".

"Where do you think she is?" Wendy asked casually while cooking. Jennie shrugged, "no idea, I thought I knew her once but the more time I spend with her the less I seem to know". "Full of surprises eh?" the Canadian replied. Jennie smiled, "oh yeah...big time. Though it will be tough to beat the most recent one, so I can't imagine she has any more surprises for me".

"Ouff" Lisa groaned in pain as she was kicked through the air, water splashing loudly as she landed on her back in the underground sewers. 

"Stay away from me!" Chaeyoung yelled as she ran as fast as she could.

Mina began to giggle at the sight of the Thai getting her ass kicked. 

Lisa leaned on her hands as she looked up at the Japanese girl, "you've barely cracked a smile as long as I've known you but this...this you laugh at". "I'm sorry" Mina replied with a grin on her face, "but did you really think you'd be able to grab her that easily? Are you forgetting she was a slayer?". The Thai had a disgusted expression on her face as she shook the sewage water from her sleeve, "you could have helped me you know". Mina giggled again, "I know but that was really funny".

Teeth II Jenlisa AUWhere stories live. Discover now