Jihyo's Doritos

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"Nayeon?" Jennie said cautiously as she inched her way towards the group of girls so she could protect them if the possessed Korean attacked, "Nayeon can you hear me?". The white eyed girl the other side of the room did not respond.

"Is everyone alright?" Jennie asked as she reached the small group of cowering women, "is anyone hurt". Sana shook her head, "no" she whimpered, unable to take her eyes off Nayeon. "What's wrong with her?" Seulgi asked quietly. Wendy whispered in her girlfriend's ear, "she's possessed".

"Nayeon?" Lisa said as she stepped forward, approaching her school friend. 

"GET BACK" Nayeon screeched with an angry grimace.

"There's two children in masks outside" Jihyo said with fear after peeking out a crack in the door.

Jennie turned towards Jihyo then back to Nayeon, "is that who I'm speaking to right now?" she asked, "am I talking to the children outside?". "We need help" Nayeon said sadly with more than one voice coming from her mouth, "we are frightened". Jennie walked closer to the possessed Nayeon, "how can I help?" she uttered cautiously. Nayeon pointed at Lisa, "the vampire, it's hurting us".

Everyone looked at Lisa. 

The Thai's eyes widened, "I...I'm not doing anything".

"It's hurting us, please help we're scared" the possessed girl continued.

"Please help us"



The multiple voices whimpered sadly, the sound now coming from the children outside as well as Nayeon.

"How can we help?" Wendy asked, the children's voices playing on her sympathy.

"Kill the vampire".

Jennie staggered back from Nayeon a little in surprise, "w-what?".

The possessed girl whimpered again, "kill the vampire, it's hurting us. Please don't let it hurt us".

Nayeon suddenly dropped to the floor, the children letting her go...for now. 

"Nayeonie!" Jihyo yelled as she and Sana rushed to her aid. Seulgi exhaled deeply, "that was intense". Wendy nodded. "I'm so scared" Nayeon cried, sobbing as her friends cuddled her.

"I need to kill this thing" Jennie said with poorly disguised anger in her voice as she grabbed an axe that was mounted on the wall, "the rest of you stay inside". Lisa shook her head, "you can't go out there alone". "It's my job" Jennie replied sternly as she firmly gripped the axe handle with both hands. "Not anymore" the vampire responded. 

The New Zealander sighed, "I don't fight demons for the Order, I fight them for the innocent people out there who need me to". 

The redhead grabbed Jennie's wrist as the slayer attempted to leave the cabin, "wait till nightfall, I'll guide you all out of the forest then head back in to fight them myself. You go and contact Tiffany, tell her what's happening here, maybe she can pass a secret message along to someone within the Order who still likes her". 

Jennie shook her head in disbelief, "since when were you the 'throw themselves to the wolves' type of person?", she quickly turned to the side, "uh no offense Seulgi". The werewolf smiled sweetly, "none taken". 

Lisa sighed, "vampires can't be possessed because we are demons, which means they can't use their little magic tricks on me. You are all vulnerable though". "Why would you even care?" the slayer scoffed, "you sure as shit didn't care when you and your clan were ripping people and slayers apart a few months ago". 

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