"Witches?" Wendy asked as she watched the black haired slayer examine the site carefully. "I thought you said witches aren't evil" Jihyo added, also observing the slayer. "They're not" Jennie replied as she dipped her finger in the red fluid on the ground and tapped it against the tip of her tongue, "definitely blood" she muttered. Nayeon kneeled down beside the slayer, "human blood?" she asked. Jennie shrugged, "can't be sure, get me a little empty bottle or something so I can take a sample", the New Zealander got back up to her feet, "we need an expert opinion". "Who?" Wendy asked with confusion. "Lisa" Jennie replied, "the tall redhead who was with us earlier...she's a vampire".
Seungwan's eyes widened, "so let me get this straight...that girl is a vampire?".
"And you're a slayer?"
"Vampires are evil"
"Your job is to kill vampires"
"But you're working with a vampire"
"And witches are supposed to be good but their symbols seem to be corresponding with evil deeds?"
"And you don't really know what's going on here at all"
Wendy looked at Jennie and nodded while puffing her cheeks out a little, "well alright as long as I'm in the loop I guess...". Sana grinned brightly and playfully put her arms around the Canadian's shoulders, "welcome to the gang!". Nayeon tightened the lid on the small drink bottle she'd got from one of their bags at the campsite, "here's the sample" she said as she handing the bottle containing blood over to the slayer. Jennie tucked the bottle into the inside of her coat pocket, "we need to get this sample to Lisa so she can verify whether it is human blood or not, if it is then we can assume whatever this evil presence is, it is capable of killing".
The loud howl of a wolf echoed from the distance.
"But first we find Seulgi" she added as she looked into the direction the howl came from.
"What about devil worshippers" Jihyo said as the girls packed up as much supplies as they could and continued their hunt for the werewolf, "I heard Satanists use the pentagram too". Jennie nodded, "they do. In Paganism the pentagram is a symbol of faith, of good, the elements of the earth and the spirit combining together, each point of the star representing a different element. When Pagans use the symbol in Wiccan practices they can channel the elements using the symbol, the pentagram acts as a sort of door that allows them to access mystical energy. It opens up a portal to both light and dark energy, most witches don't perform dark magic because they're good". Sana was intrigued, "so you're saying the pentagram itself isn't actually good or evil and it depends on who is using it?". Jennie nodded, "exactly, any amateur can draw a pentagram and try and perform spells but it takes someone with experience and respect, like a Pagan witch, to be able to control the energy and not become corrupted by the dark. People leave themselves vulnerable to the devil and his demons when they play around with the occult".
"I'm running out of space do you think I'll need my hat?" Jihyo asked. Sana shook her head, "nah doubt it". The Korean wasn't sure, "maybe I should just wear it". Sana shrugged, "but then you'd have to wear it all the time because you've got nowhere to put it". Jihyo sighed, "I guess you're right, I'll leave it behind".

Teeth II Jenlisa AU
FanfictionBook 2 and sequel to Teeth *WARNING - Violent themes, bad language and sexual scenes* This story won't make sense if you haven't read Teeth. Check out my other books, Teeth book 1, Over and Over, Orange Is the New BLACKPINK book 1 and book 2 (Lone...