Chapter 14: Packed With Green

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- Damien -

I swiped my dagger by instinct and the goblin fell with a muffled cry. Another shadow launched towards us, and Wesley shot it with his revolver. The recoil of his shot echoed through the subway tunnels and brought the shadows to a halt.

The rest of them hung back and I realized the distinctive shape of lumps above their heads. In the dark, it was hard to make out the redness of their blood-soaked caps. But it was definitely none other but the redcaps.

They noticed their fallen comrades and their leader, the one at the front, gave a signal to stop. There were about three of them and their beady eyes shone in the dark, filled with cunning malice.

The tiny hairs on my arms rose in response to their unmasked hostility. The redcaps were a different breed from their distant cousins and the three of them exuded a quiet aura of deadliness. Our instincts clicked in, and both of us assumed a defensive stance. After several minutes of studying us, they approached us in a triangular formation. Wesley and I were forced to stand back to back as we faced our new deadly enemies.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed several other shadows that hung at the back. Normal average goblins that were waiting for us to fall under the hands of their superior species. They watched us gleefully from the sidelines. The glints in the dark were a sign of their bared grins.

The redcaps were proving to be challenging foes. Sweat trickled down the sides of my jaw as I fended off yet another coordinated attack. They were faster, fiercer, and much more cunning than normal goblins, making use of their advantage in numbers to attack. Wesley had abandoned his revolver for stabbing knives, yet all we managed to do was to defend against their onslaught of attacks.

"We need a distraction or something to hold them off so I can finish them with my revolver." Wesley panted in exertion as we rounded back.

"Maybe I can try to hold them off." I noticed the strain in my voice.

This was my first time encountering against a redcap, now we are fighting against three of them. The both if us were clearly lacking in experience. Redcaps are not affiliated with any normal goblin packs as they preferred to travel solo. They take great pride in their superior fighting capabilities. So it was strange to see three of them co-existing peacefully with an average goblin's nest.

"Now, that's just reckless." Wesley pointed out as he blocked an attack from the right.

"Well, what do you propose then mighty leader of  the Velin squad? We're clearly out of options." I deadpanned as I feinted towards the left and swiped my daggers upwards in an attempt to behead the redcap, but it dodged my attacks nimbly with calm eyes. In my frustration at our ineptness, I failed to notice one of them behind us until something cold sliced into my shoulder and I stumbled back.

The redcap behind me let out a victorious gleeful chortle, it taunted me with its blade soaked with my blood.

"Shit." Wesley glanced at my shoulder and quickly looked away.

I refused to be distracted because that would provide an opportunity for the one in front to slice my head off easily. That and I do not want to see how bad my wound looks right now when I can feel it throbbing like a beacon. Wesley positioned himself such that he was slightly covering for me. I took the chance to test out my arm and it works fine save for the stinging pain.

At the same time, I took the chance to study our skilled foes. Surely, even with their skilled prowess, they possess one or two weaknesses. The slight gap in their formation, there.  Also, their movements were becoming a little sluggish. They seemed to react slower to the change in our positions as compared to at the start of the fight when they had thwarted our clumsy attempts to cover each other.

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