Chapter 7: Code Red

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- Damien -

The Paranormal Headquarters was abuzz with more than the usual activity. I watched as agents pulled on boots, as they hurried through automatic doors just left of the training room and sprinted along the corridors. The situation was dire enough for the people in the Archives to use Code Red.

Fenrys, Jonathan, and I shared a momentary glance before we stopped our nonsense. Our sparring match it seems has to be continued later on. Without a single word, I headed towards the Royal Archives, with them behind me. The Royal Archives was situated deep in the headquarters, the center place where I assumed most of this hubbub was headed.

We passed by corridors filled with several agents shouting and barking orders. Snippets of conversation flitted by as we passed through.

"It was an attack. We believe it was coordinated-"

"That was what I heard as well. We have orders to convene in Wixra-"

"Wait doesn't that mean this is an emergency! All the neighboring countries-"

I was almost sprinting by the third agent we passed. The energy in the air was a frenzied palpable thing, it snapped at my fraying nerves. I don't like too much noises and situations that can do that to me. My annoyance rose at my lack of control over my state. This is no time to lose it. Block them out, you idiot.

"What do you think it was this time?" Fenrys asked, then frowned slightly at a squad leader jabbing frantically at one of his squadmates. "Hey, you!"

The man turned to us with an angry expression, but where there was irritation, it was quickly replaced with fear and recognition when he saw me.

He snapped into a sharp salute, the force of his actions almost causing him to lose his balance and lean towards the poor member. With some reflexes, the squad member steadied his leader's stance by pressing a firm hand against his shoulder, before snapping into a similar salute, a slight relief in his eyes. I gave a quick nod to both men in response before I continued my journey. I understand what Fenrys was thinking– this leader wasn't exactly fit for his position. But I don't have the luxury of time to point that out.

"We will find out later I guess," I said as I marched forward, a relentless bullet focused on its goal.

"When was the last time the siren was used? I don't think it was ever activated before." Jonathan spoke in a low tone. He observed the frantic soldiers with concealed worry.

"This was by far the second I believe," I said evenly, my steps did not falter, but my chest tightened in phantom pain. Not now. Please not now. The ringing and the shouting; those booted feet pounding. I felt the moment I lost it when the dark door inside my mind yawned open.

She was lying peacefully on the cobbled road, her eyes closed and her mouth in a slight smile. Her combat suit was worn out in some places but I recognized it as the same one she always wore. The same one I had helped her prepared just a month ago. I still remembered my mother's soft hazel eyes filled with warmth as she teased me when I said I was a grown-up

"You're all grown up already aren't you?"

"Of course! I can now recite every city and every country in the Human World. You said I would be a grown man by then. And now I shall be one!" Eight-year-old Damien folded his arms and puffed his chest out, like the ignorant naive young boy I was, expectant of praise and validation.

"Indeed, my son has grown into such a fine man. Now, I'm no longer worried about how handsome he looks. Come here." She laughed as I jumped and wrapped my arms around her middle.

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