Chapter 5: Buying A Disguise

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- Briel -

"Can I get a box of your special contacts please?" I coughed and adjusted my volume to make sure that it's not too loud to be overheard but loud enough for the girl at the cashier to hear me.

The apothecary shop was crowded with several customers milling, filled with the soft lull of conversation as the employees explained the contents of each glass jar. The work benches were coated with gold. Had I not known that it was designed to ensure good hygiene and to maintain the quality of its products, I would have doubted its authenticity.

It was a new shop in Soren's City, and it grew popular quickly once it was opened. At first, because it was due to its backer, and then people flock in because of its service and home remedies. I hadn't paid much attention to it since I moved here. For all I know it could be an iffy shop, or some sort of sham. How else did the owner splurge like that? And those fancy shelf linings, stars, I must be dreaming.

The girl looked up from the balancing apparatus she was using to measure some herbs. She studied my Ray Bans and raised a brow but made no comment about it. "Well, you will need to talk to Qas." I nodded and shrugged. This is going better than I expected.

"He's usually the one in-charge of dealing with... special customers. Just head to the back door to his room." She pointed towards the back of the apothecary with her gloved hand. "But you know what? I'll guide you there." With a beaming face, she tossed her gloves and apron away and raised her voice. "I'm taking it all, Qas! You owe me and I would like to take this chance to relish in my glory."

"Ugh damn it. Why Sheila of all people? Damn it, just why? At this rate I will become broke." Something loud thumped at the back of the shop, followed by a string of curses. "Who is that idiot who ruined my day? Damn Ves and her jokes."

I hesitated. Whoever or whatever was waiting for me at the back of the shop sounds like someone I would not want to meet.

"Oh don't worry, he can't harm a single hair of yours." The cashier girl, Sheila grinned. "I must thank you. Because of you, I won an interesting bet." She beckoned me to follow her as she walked out from behind the counter.

"Guys, the fancy bar drinks are on me!" Sheila winked as she walked towards the back. Her comment was followed with whoops and whistles from her colleagues.

"Um what sort of losses are we talking about here?" I asked her as I squared my resolve. If I were to enter into something that deals with collateral, at least I know what I'm getting myself into.

"Oh, it's just a small bet of a hundred dollars. Qas likes to make us work during odd hours, so we started it as an inner joke. Until it came true. Don't worry though, that guy's loaded and he's a stingy bastard."

"You know I can hear you when you're standing outside my office right?" Came a reply before the door in front opens and a tall boy with blonde curls stood leaning against the frame.

Sheila rolled her eyes. "This is Qas. And this is the special customer you must entertain. Now, he's all yours. Good luck." With that she disappeared back to the front of the shop.

I studied Qas as I stood there not knowing how else to proceed. It was too late for regrets anyway. But Sheila was right, because the boy standing in front of me looks like a kind and innocent person, with baby blue eyes and curly blonde hair. It was hard to believe that the words I heard came from him.

"Come in." Qas waved me in before closing the door behind me.

I found myself in a smaller version of the shop just that it was much cleaner and slightly messier with even more strange-looking apparatuses. I noticed it was cleaned frequently as they were kept tidy. "So how did you know about us?" Qas asked me as he folded his arms.

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