Chapter 6: The Deis Brothers

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- Damien -

The white lights of the training room were bright. All the more to see an opponent clearly. Or that was one of its purposes. With a simple outline, it boasts a spacious hall without any walls, save for the collection of weapons displayed neatly on the racks.

Surrounded by sheets of bullet-proof glass, to protect and keep outsiders from entering the training room's firing range, it also served a much darker purpose– a place where there is nowhere to hide.

If the knowledge that the Soren's government has been growing secret weapon collections was leaked, it could incite a great war in the Human World, and Velin, our largest bordering state, won't stand by and do nothing. One must go to great lengths to ensure that no one can steal any evidence of us possessing such weapons. Even if someone did manage to enter the Headquarter's training rooms... let's say some of these weapons can finally be put to very good use.

I stared at a pair of dark blue nunchucks and a small smile tugged at the corner of my lips. It used to be my favourite training weapon because I love its flashiness. What more to fight with style than to engage an opponent in boring old fashion? But since the day I found out that most of these bad boys came from secret transactions performed by none other than my sweet old father, everything changed.

Now all I can see is the trademark design of Velin etched on every material and notice how polished they all seemed to look. Does my father have a private attendant designated to take care all of these?

Iron is an extremely rare metal and of course, none of them exists here. Since this is a place open for the demi-fae, breathing the same air in the presence of such a dangerous weapon will be poisonous to them. But that just means how iron weapons could be sold in black markets. To obtain this collection either the Paranormal Department has been fostering talented blacksmiths, or some rather "cute" deals were made. I shudder to even think about iron weapons.

"I'm glad you called me instead of Fenrys," Jonathan said as he entered through the only side that was not surrounded by the protective glass. It was wide enough for a full-grown person to enter with comfortable stretching space. But from the outside, it looks as if the room was surrounded by glass entirely and it takes time for a normal person to notice the difference. Another point for agents to spot a spy who will linger outside the training room, since we were all taught where the exact space in the glass was located.

Jonathan joined me, in front of the rack, and stared at the rows of gleaming toys. A long weapon caught his eye. I watched as he tested its weight before he padded off with a satisfactory hum. Without waiting for him, I moved towards the center to give us a wider berth and then suddenly I changed directions.

My feet lunged across the padded training mats as I twisted mid-air delivering an attack towards the unsuspecting demi-fae, while he was still walking towards the center and testing his newfound weapon. The soft snick of my daggers being unsheathed from the hidden compartments of my combat suit was the only warning before they flashed towards him.

However, instead of meeting soft flesh, the edge of my daggers met something hard and the scrape of metal against metal filled the training room. As I predicted, my daggers were blocked easily with Jonathan's lead pole.

"I know right," I said in response to his earlier statement. "He would have given me a hell of it."

"As much as I agree with you, he's still my brother." Jonathan sighed.

We moved apart and circled each other. Sparring among squadmates was a common occurrence, and even encouraged. It can form camaraderie and foster teamwork. But as a leader, it was also important to assess the strengths and weaknesses of our members. My father takes pride in making sure that all the agents are well-versed in many kinds of weaponry, and he would go to any lengths just to build his private army. An army that will one day become a deadly force to the fae.

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