Chapter 2: One Frustrated Squad Leader

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- Damien -

I was starting to feel the gravity of my actions when two shadows landed next to me. Before I had the time to react, a hand grabbed my shoulder. "What have you done?" Fenrys' voice was calm but his grip was hard. I stared at his offending arm, my brows raising.

"Do that one more time and I'll grace your face with this," I flexed my fist in front of him, a silent warning.

I watched as Fenrys' jaw clenched before he released his grip on my shoulder.

"What were you two doing up? Wasn't the plan to meet at Qas' place?" I spoke nonchalantly as I brushed off the dirt on my black combat su, custom-made carbon fiber material that is lightweight. My voice was detached and cold as if what just transpired was nothing but an error to be filed away. Cataloged neatly into one of those boxes.

"We were watching from above the roof of the shophouses because we thought you needed assistance," Fenrys stated matter of factly as he studied me.

"He's right, Damien."

For the first time, my third-in-command spoke. Vesna was unusually quiet as she leaned against the wall of the shophouse.

I was expecting a more extreme response, something that involved some stabbing in the back or finding myself in a situation where I had to fend for myself. But all Vesna did was walk towards the dead fae, or what was left of it.

Crouching, she checked its breath. "He's dead." She whispered before standing and peering at me with disbelief. I watched all of this in amusement.

"Was it so hard to accept the fact that sometimes I can be nice to faeries?" I smirked.

"It's not that. What we cannot comprehend was the fact that you disobeyed our orders." Fenrys said with a rueful expression. "I don't get it, Damien. Our orders were to capture it alive. Help me understand."

"I will take full responsibility for the outcome." I sighed, my patience running thin. I avoided their gazes as I slid my favorite gun back into its holster.

Stars, I'm trying to control this rising irritation. But failing miserably at it.

Fenrys' eyes narrowed as his sharp gaze fixed upon my profile. Something wild flashed across the depth of his dark blue eyes, and my instincts screamed in response. My muscles tensed automatically as my body entered into fight or flight mode; an instinctive reflex. I forced myself to regulate my breathing. My heart has yet to calm down from the thrill of breaking the commandments still circulating in my system. But that does not mean my mind was muddled. It clearly knows attacking Fenrys was a stupid decision.

"So what next?" Fenrys asked after a moment, but not before I caught a sliver of what looked like acknowledgement in his eyes. "Turn your back and walk out on us? Or perhaps take the chance to eliminate us? Both are fine choices, by the way."

"What the hell are you saying?!" Vesna exclaimed in shock.

"I was just stating facts, Ves. He broke the commandments." Fenrys raised his brow at me. Now that he verbalized it, the full gravity of my actions sunk in and I winced internally at my stupidity.

"And so? That doesn't mean you go about throwing assumptions at the bat of an eye," Vesna shot a glare at him that said shut-up you idiot.

"Believe me, I wish I could walk away right now." Fenrys threw his arms up before he folded it and glowered at me. "But I can't. Not after Mr Spoilt-and-rich decided to pull a stunt in all his popular handsomeness. Now we have to clean up this mess before his father comes after us."

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