Chapter 11: Masked Singer In Velin

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Goblins: Kabalos or also known as "Rogue" or "Evil Spirit", are monstrous creatures from the European folklore, first attested in stories in the Middle Ages. Described to have various and conflicting abilities, temperamental and maliciousness. They are small and grotesque and are especially greedy. DO NOT APPROACH as they travel in packs of at least three.

[Extra] Redcaps: A more superior variant of goblins. They are more malevolent and murderous than the average goblins. It was said that they soak their caps in their victim's blood giving it a characteristic red color. A single redcap is dangerous enough to warrant caution and a group of them is deadly.

- Page 822 of the Royal Archives on Goblins

- Damien -

The stage was set to fit the grandest orchestra but where red velvet curtains should hang froom, there was only a lone gigantic platform. Empty in its wake. The gloom and silence of the dimmed spotlights were obscured by the chants coming from the crowd. I blinked in disbelief at the bright neon sign boards and feverish screams of the numbers that were still growing by the minute.

"Wasn't this supposed to be a small-scale event?" I muttered darkly to myself. As annoyed as I was with the decreasing oxygen space and my poor tortured ears, I cannot stop the swelling sense of pride.

Suddenly, the lights went off, plunging us all in darkness. Silence swept swiftly like the wind, and the audience was held frozen in that space of time. There was a slight shift in the air, I could sense all of them bating their breaths in anticipation.

As if that was not enough for a dramatic entrance, a single spotlight shone down at a lone figure that appeared on the stage as if by magic. Vesna must have been prepared by the crew to stand at the right spot when the signal was ready; they had pressed the mechanism to raise her onto the platform. I rolled my eyes and thought I heard Qas', Jonathan's and Fenrys' eyes doing the same in their sockets, as they watch from afar.

As the first notes of a musky voice enamanated from the speakers, the masked singer started singing, and the crowd erupted into a deafening roar. Goosebumps rose as I watched them watch her with adoration in their eyes.

"V! V! V! V!" They chanted.

Was this how it felt like when she watched them from above? I have to say it was rather addictive...

A smile wormed its way onto my face as I watched the audience pine for the unknown singer, who had never once revealed her face and identity. If only they knew her true nature. I bet those numbers would dwindle.

As if sensing my ire, the masked singer swung her face towards my direction below the stage and held my gaze as she reached the crescendo of her song. I imagined Vesna's eyes narrowing slightly under that ridiculous feather mask.

Once her song ended, the platform burst into sparks and flames as she disappeared into the smoke. My jaw must have been hanging because I heard an audible snap when I closed it. I rubbed at a sore spot on my chin as the audience began to scream at the top of their lungs. "V, I love you!"

I winced at this horrible nightmare. You crazy psychotic maniacs. Those were my fucking ear drums. It even brought back dim memories of being cornered by some of my crazy paparazzi at some very unexpected places. By some form of miracle, I escaped backstage and made my way to the rendezvous point.

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