Chapter 1: A Fae's Life Debt

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- Damien -

The muscles in my body moved on their own accord as I flung myself to the side, away from the strange shadow that flew towards me. From all the years of training I had gone through, one thing I have learned was never to ignore my instincts.

Blood and adrenaline pumped in my veins. The thrill of being the prey tingled down my spine. Usually, I would be the hunter, and now the situation has reversed in a refreshing turn of events. This way of living on danger's edge was exhilarating, and a small smile danced upon my lips as I let myself indulge in it for a second.

But all human lives are borrowed time. A single mistake is all it will take to end my life.

Human... If only I was one of—

The thought formed in my head before I could dismiss it.

I grunted as the left side of my body hit the cobbled road roughly, my shoulder taking most of the impact just as how I predicted it would land. But the impact still took my breath away. With smooth practiced movements, my booted foot instinctively kicked the ground as my muscles clenched to right myself. With a final push of my right hand, I was once again up and running.

"What's your status, commander?" Fenrys' voice sounded over the earpiece and I could almost have sworn he sounded worried.

"Is that worry I hear?" I grinned as I heard him sigh.

"Do you think this is the time to joke? This is not funny, Damien." His voice spoke volumes about his "concern" for me. From the corner of my left eye, I caught a glimpse of dark glass windows and a small storage room. Perfect. An empty shophouse that has been closed from business since opening hours have long exceeded, and a lucky find. Without wasting seconds, I tucked my body underneath the shadows.

It is dark and large enough, and a great place for me to hide with a good vantage point of the street behind me. Without wasting seconds, I tucked my body underneath the shadows.

The city was not far away and the lights of Soren lit up the streets like a Christmas parade. It was bright as hell but that was good. Because creatures that prowl in the night hate bright places, which makes it one less place for us to keep an eye on.

The alley was partially illuminated against the lights and street lamps. Good thing this spot was not part of the tourist's bucket list. Last thing I want is people staring with their mouths hanging open as their hovertube travels past. Who knows what they see anyway, with the glamor and the magic.

The building's shadow swallowed mine in its size as I scanned the alley.

"But I thought that was a little funny at least," I replied to Fenrys dryly. Oh really Damien? What a smart mouth you have. Shouldn't you be focusing on the mission right now?

Muttering curses, I pressed myself flat against the cold brick wall and watched as a shadow rose into a very tall and thin frame. One that was quite impossibly thin and wispy. It was unnatural as it stretched across the distance between two shophouses, which I reasoned must be due to the angle of the lamp. My brows furrowed while I tried to measure its length in what seemed like a useless attempt.

"It will be funny when we see your ass get handed to you," Fenrys retorted in an annoyed tone.

"Curses," I muttered darkly, as I watched that thing move towards the shophouse I was hiding at a frighteningly fast pace.

"What? Did you fall on your face?" Fenrys asked in astonishment.

"No, I think it overheard me," I whispered under my breath.

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