Chapter 4: The Black Apothecary

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- Briel -

I could remember those laugh lines at the corner of her eyes when she tucked four-year-old me to bed, a secret shared between us. The slight furrow between her eyebrows when she contemplates in front of a blank canvas. The familiar tiny flecks of paint on one side of her cheek that followed her even after she tried to wash them away. 

Now, at the corners of her eyes are samll inconspicuous lines-- I swear were invisible last year, and now they decided to appear when I stare. Ormaybe they were there all along and my eyes chose to remain oblivious. I spotted the hint of one or two gray roots at her temples, the areas where the dye had washed off. To me, Rebecca still looks younger than those in their mid-thirties because she was young at heart.

She wrung her fingers nervously, looking a little lost and uncertain, and that image sent a painful stab through my heart. I knew she was too good for me. Heck, with the way I struggled to stay on the script. I hardly passed as a "good" daughter. So this time, I promised myself that I would stay out of trouble at all costs. I looked at her paint-splattered jeans, the small curve of her lips, her wavy shoulder-length brown hair, and even those small wrinkles that appeared as she frowned. 

I burned them all into my mind.

"I just thought that- never mind. It's nothing. Give me a hug." She gave a small huff but the grin on her face made my lips curl into one.

I stepped into her open arms as they wrapped around me tightly, and I hugged her back equally tight so that she could not turn around to see the tears in my eyes. I breathed in deeply, remembering her warm scent of lavender soap and paint. 

"Have fun, Briel. Remember to send pictures. It's been ages since I've stepped into my alma mater." Rebecca said as we let go.

I shot her a grin. "I will. Promise you'll text me about the new manager. You said he sounds like a storm tempting you to enter his fray. I want to know every. Single. Detail."

Rebecca's jaw fell open as she folded her arms in disbelief. "Where the hell did you learn to crack jokes with people's names? And I so did not say that."

"Hmm let's see. You didn't say it out loud. But I think I heard it from your squeaky heart," I shrugged.

"Stars, I regretted mentioning his name at all." She threw up her hands in exasperation. "I definitely regretted that I cooked your favorite dessert for 18 years of my life. I'm not going to send any brownies over." I winced because brownies are my weakness.

"Not even one?" I stared at her in mock horror.

"Yes. I won't send any of them over."

"I'm sorry. I promise I won't tease you anymore." I put on my best pleading eyes or what I hoped it looked like.

"Pft I knew brownies were your weakness. And that's not the reason why I won't send it over. I'm going to take on a new commission. The office has been flooded with requests recently and Mr. Storm wasn't exactly pleased they're piling up like mountains. He has decided to take on some of them. We're probably going to co-work on some projects, and his works are so far one of the better ones I've seen. Hopefully, we're gonna try something new, so wish me luck." Rebecca crossed her fingers excitedly and it's been some time since I last saw her in this state.

"I'm going to be rather busy traveling back and forth to the new office, so I can't make brownies any time soon, Briel. But I will send brownie giphys." Rebecca winked.

I shook my head and laughed. "Just focus on the commission and your hot manager. I'm sure I can survive without brownies for several weeks. Good luck, Rebbie." With a final wave, I pulled my luggage out of the door. Rebbie watching me go with a wistful expression was the last thing I saw as I headed out. The first day of school was not one of my favorite days.

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