Chspter 26 - lost

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"I asked you a question miss Anderson" Mrs. Gutierrez said snapping me from my gaze. I was gazing off to what felt like another universe. "I'm sorry Mrs. Gutierrez I- uh I- umm I" I said I couldn't think of shit to say then stupidly I blurted out "I have really bad cramps" slapping my forward thinking why did I say that out loud. "Ahhh I see, well feel better" she said in a whispering tone, obviously embarrassed for me. "Just leave me alone Kyle I'm not in the mood for you and your games today" I whispered irritated.

"I don't care what you're not in the mood for lyric" Kyle said obviously disregarding my feelings. "WELL I DO LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled rushing out the class. Tears filled my eyes I was so irritated with him, I wish he would just leave me the hell alone. "Miss Anderson! Miss Anderson is everything okay?!" Mrs. Gutierrez yelled as I ran out the class. I ran as fast as I could hoping Kyle wouldn't try and run after me or catch up to me.

My phone kept getting blown up by obviously Kyle. This dude clearly didn't know how to take a hint and it was starting to get annoying. "WHAT KYLE?!" I yelled into my phone. "Lyric it's not Kyle can you meet me somewhere we need to talk" the person on the phone asked concern in their voice. "And why would I want to meet with you?" I asked curious to what the hell was going on."because I feel only you can find out the truth lyric only you can bring her justice" the person on the phone said.

"Fine where do you want to meet?" I asked hesitant by the answer.

"The old park the one they shut down two years ago" the person on the other end said

"Why would i- "

"Just trust me please" they said cutting me off

"Fine 4:00pm the old park I'll meet you there" i said my voice trembling.

Hmmm the old park why there? i thought to myself it seemed pretty suspicious but i had a meeting at 4:00pm.

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