Chapter 21 - Players circle

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"Lyric what the fuck is going on?!" Kyle yelled towards me still confused from the sight of me. I rolled my eyes still playing my part. "Kyle didn't you hear me you can't be deaf" I said with a half smirk. "I understand that but why? After everything why would you do this Shit?" Kyle asked me, I can see the anger filling his eyes. "Because Kyle I hate you, I hate everything about you!" I yelled to Kyle. His eyes widen hurt from what I was telling him, I could see it written all over his face.

Luca and Lucas smiled surprised from the sight. They didn't expect to see me so soon. I was still wounded and it hurt like a bitch, but I had business to handle. "What's up Luca, what's up Lucas." I said smiling at the twins. "I'm sorry to barge in on your little- well what ever this is but this one here is mine." I said grinning. "Yours? Nah ma we got shit to handle with Mr.Johnson here."luca said shaking his head. "I don't think you heard me correctly I said this one is mine." I said pulling out a Pistol i stole from Kyles armory They both looked at me not budging and just started laughing.

"Oh little girl put that away before you get hurt." Lucas said to me still laughing. I looked at him smiled and shook my head."oh we aren't the ones that's going to be getting hurt." I said to Lucas giving him a teasing wink. "And oh pretty teeth muthafucka you don't want to try me I've had a long muthafucking week." Quiana said stepping into the back yard pointing her gun towards the twins. "Or me leap frog looking muthafucka!" Jazmyn said holding her 9mm in here hands. Kyle turned his head to see my girls standing right beside me.

I looked at him smiled then winked. "Oh papi you thought I was alone? Never." I said to Kyle who was still shocked by all of this. "Now run along before we have to blow your mutha fucking body to pieces!" I said to the twins as Kyle's boys started to show up. "This isn't over Kyle bet that nigga" Lucas said as him and Luca walked away.

"Yeah yeah whatever nigga I got something for you!" Kyle screamed towards the twins now disappearing into the dark. Kyle turned around looked at me and gave me a confused smile. "I thought you said you wanted to kill me."He said slightly letting out a chuckle. "Oh I do." I said glaring at him

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