Chapter 14: Disaster comes knocking

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"Good, she is pretty excited about all of this."

Is she? Well, I guess she is a better actress than I thought she was.

"Ian, Alex told me you could help me in something," Melissa says.


She sighs and smiles wide, "She commented that Kyle and you are close. I was wondering if you know what type of girl he likes."

See, I knew it. Girls always choose Kyle. He is what you call a chick magnet.

"I just know he likes blondes and you are blonde," I answer. She giggles, "Really?"

I just smile.

"How about I set you up with him?" I ask. I know if I get Melissa with Kyle; Kyle will leave Alex alone. If he really wants to forget about her, he will do it with Melissa. She is hot, nice, smart, and funny.

"Yes! I will appreciate it."

I say bye but before I go she tells me she saw a girl go in the house. She asks me if I know her. "No, I have no idea. I guess it is one of Jennifer's friends."

I find Kyle washing his car. "Hey," I say.

He ignores me once again.

"Melissa likes you," I mumble.

I lean on the car's hood.

"I don't like her back," Kyle says.

"Please, you totally want her," I say.

He drops the sponge into the bucket and comes in front of me. "Shut up idiot, I still like Alex."

"Alex chose me Kyle. I thought you said you were over her."

"I am but I can't help it but to think of her," he whispers.

"Well get over her soon. Melissa likes you so go ask her on a date." I say. I walk away, that is my final word. I force him to go on a date with her. I am his boss so he needs to follow my orders.

As I was walking inside the back door, I see Kyle talking to Melissa. She jumps and kisses him. "Good boy," I say.

I go back to my office and work again.


Alex comes bursting in my office. I see makeup running down her cheeks and her eyes with no emotion.

"Alex, what happened?" I ask. I stand and hold her in my arms.

"Don't touch me," she whispers. I stand back with my hands around her waist.

Why is she acting like this? What happened?

Summer comes in leaning against the door. She only has my office jacket on. "Sorry, I tried to go as quickly as possible. She caught us."

No, no that is not true!

A wave of anger, pain and sadness hits my face. Alex slaps me again and again. "I hate you! I hate you so much Ian."

Those words are hurting me more than the physical abuse.

"You got it all wrong," I say.

Alex turns to Summer, "How in the world can you explain this?! This bitch is fucking naked with your clothes!"

"Whoa! The only bitch here is you!" Summer charges to Alex.

Alex slaps her so hard she drops to the floor. "You really are a slut," Alex says. She turns to me, "Don't ever talk to me again!"

The Contract That saved my Brother but not meDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora