Chapter 17 | proposal

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After Jimin's words, I could feel everybody's widened eyes on me, anticipating my reaction. They were all curious as to how I was going to react. However, all of these looks were slowly disappearing. Actually, everything around me and Jimin was slowly dissipating. His mesmerizing gaze was piercing through mine. I couldn't look anywhere else... I stayed there, motionless, for what seemed like years. At some point, Jungkook's voice took me out of the trance I was in;

JK: Oookay, this is weird... Hum, I need to go pick up my girl-

Jin: Go for it kookie, I'll deal with these two...

JK: Alright... thanks!

As soon as the maknae's voice echoed through the wide room, I blinked and got back to my senses. I backed off and sat on a couch, my face burning from shyness and embarrassment;

Me: *clearing throat* Oh, hum, w-what did you buy for dinner?

Tae: We bought-

Jimin: Did you buy champagne, as I told you?

Me: You asked him that?

Jimin: Yes. Now, did you?

Tae: Oups... I forgot...

Jimin: I'm going to buy some, real quick. Does anybody need anything?

Me, Tae and Yoongi: I'm going with you.

Yoongi: I'm actually just giving you a lift since none of you can drive, idiots.

Jimin: Urgh, okay, fine. Let's go.

Me: *aegyo voice* Thank you Yoongi oppa~

We all rushed to the car and Yoongi drove us to the liquor store. We hurried in the shop because we had to get back to the house before Kookie did.

While Yoongi and Jimin went to look for the champagne bottles, Taehyung and I looked for other drinks, just in case we would want to drink more;

Me: Oh, look! That could be perfect. Plus, the bottle is very pretty!

Tae: *mumbling* Not as pretty as you...

Me: *turning around to face Tae* Sorry, I didn't quite catch what you said...

Tae: I just said that you look very pretty tonight.

I stopped looking at him to look straight at my feet, blushing, while he continued complimenting me;

Tae: Well, you always look beautiful but tonight, in that dress, you look so gorgeous it's almost deadly!

Me: O-oh, well... T-thanks...

I got so shy that I couldn't stare at him anymore. I was blushing so hard and I was fidgeting with my fingers. Suddenly, he gently took my chin and brought my head up so that I was looking at his eyes;

Tae: You look so cute when blushing...

He looked at my mouth, licked his lips and then looked back at my eyes. He then slowly leaned in to kiss me. I closed my eyes. I immediately felt his lips brush against mines before something, or more like someone, forbade Tae to do anything more.


Yoongi and I found what we needed and found our way back to the others. However, when I turned the corner of the alley to enter the one Tae and Ji Ah were in, I saw something I never even thought I would witness once in my life... Tae was kissing Ji Ah.


The next second, I was already walking towards my best friend, fists formed in my hands, ready to punch him. The bottle of alcohol was in my hyung's hand. Tae turned around to face me but he didn't have time to say anything back to me. My knuckles were already making contact with his cheekbone, creating a small cut on his left cheek. Before I could damage my best friend even more, Yoongi grabbed my wrist and screamed at me to stop. I then realized what I've done... Not a lot of people know that about me but, when I get extremely mad, I get very dangerous. Actually, only Yoongi knows that because he's the only one who had made me enraged before.

Yoongi pushed me forward, towards the cash register. He slammed a twenty-dollar bill on the counter and angrily exited the building, waiting for the rest of us in his car. I sat beside Ji ah, at the back of the car, while Tae and Yoongi sat at the front. We drove off;

Yoongi: What the hell were you guys thinking! What's wrong with you! Why did both of you do that? I'm not saying that any of you are in the right position in this situation but what the heck!

Me: He started m-

Yoongi: Don't mess with me! Now, as soon as we step a foot in the house, I don't want anyone to know what happened. Not through your attitude nor through your actions or words. You'll discuss this later tonight. Got it?

All of us except for the hyung: Yeah...


The evening went exactly as we wanted. As soon as Jungkook's girlfriend stepped a foot in the house, she and I started talking and immediately got along. She was very pretty and very kind. She was interested in the same thing as me and she had the same opinions as me about many topics. Her amazing personality made it easier to put the plan into action. Indeed, as I was doing her makeup, she even suggested some advice. She communicated her ideas nicely, not making me offended even once. We talked about the boys, music, movies, and books as I was cleaning my table, which was covered with makeup products. I then showed her the dress she would wear and she loved it. She was amazed by it and she looked gorgeous in it! The red really suited her perfectly. After that, the dinner went well. Jimin kept throwing angry glances at Tae, who was trying his best to hide his helplessness with a fake smile. The proposal also went amazingly.

Later in the evening, after the newly engaged couple left for a date, we all sat in the living room to talk about the evening. We all agreed that the maknae and his fiancé would have the cutest wedding and the cutest babies. One after another, the boys left the room to go to sleep. At some point, only Yoongi, Taehyung, Jimin and I were still in the living room. The TV was on and we were watching a boring romance movie that was on a channel at that time. Everyone could feel the tension in the room. Even if I wasn't looking at him, I could sense Jimin's anger. I don't completely understand why they both did what they did but I had to find out;

Me: Why did you kiss me?

The three boys: What?

Me: Tae, why did you kiss me? Well, almost kissed me...

Tae: Oh, hum... Well... I guess it's obvious, no?

Me: Not to me apparently.

Tae: Well, I kinda started to like you since I first saw you...

Jimin: Alright, that's it, I'm leaving. If you need me, I'm in my room.

Like that, he rushed out of the room. We heard the door closing and the whole house turning quiet. Only the faint sound of the movie was still heard;

Yoongi: I think the best thing to do would be to forget what happened and move on.

Me: I guess you're right... I'll go to sleep now... Goodnight boys!

Tae and Yoongi: Sleep well!

And with that, I let the boys to go to my room. I slipped in some grey shorts and a blue hoodie. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, brought my hair up in a messy bun and got in my bed, ready for a long night of sleep.


This chapter was so fun to write so I hope you liked it too!

Love you! Purple you!

accidentally lovers | pjm (✔)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن