Chapter 8 | boxes, boxes and boxes...

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Jin: wow! It's clean!

Jungkook: too clean...

Yoongi: I agree with you, Kook.

Jimin: I feel bad... It's like we're invading her privacy...

Namjoon: don't think like that, we're helping her!

Me: I still feel like it isn't right...

Hoseok: How about we each take a room to clear?

Jin: Yeah, let's do that

Jungkook: *whispering in my ear* Nobody wants the bedroom... it's always messier and the person will need to pack up the underwear!

Me: *whispering in his ear* Ah, you child... *giggles*

Everybody ran in a room but I froze, not being able to choose a room. Obviously, I got stuck with the bedroom...

I started picking up the things that were lying on the ground. Dirty clothes... disgusting... but at least, she had great fashion! All the smelly clothes, I put them in a box. The shoes in another one. The objects like picture frames and other decorations, in another box. After quite sometimes, I found a frame with a picture of her, her parents, and her brother, looking very happy. A small paper was peeking out from behind the photo. I removed the back part of the frame and took out the paper. It was a letter from her parents;

Hello Ji-Ah,

This is your mother writing to you. If you are reading this, it means that we really decided to move to America. Your father got a new job and we had to move to America... Sorry... We know you can take good care of yourself and you don't need us to live an amazing life. I and your father love you. Goodbye, Ji-Ah...

Love, Lee-Han.


As a teenager and now a young adult, I grew up without really seeing my parents since I was training and starting my career as an artist. It's horrible and I don't wish that to anyone else so it makes me sad to know that Ji Ah felt that pain... Without me noticing, a single tear fell out of my eye. I missed my family so much... I should go see them while I'm not working but we still have to find Tae... suddenly, Jungkook entered the room;

JK: Hey, do you need help, I'm fini- Oh! Are you crying?

Me: *swipes my tear immediately* N-no, and I don't need help. Go help Jin hyung in the kitchen.

JK: Oh, okay...

He got out of the room and closed the door carefully. I decided to put the letter back into the picture frame and to put all of that in the backpack I brought. Like that, I continued packing up for another 2 hours... In that time, Jungkook broke a plate, Namjoon hyung broke her freaking toothbrush, Hoseok hyung got scared as heck because he thought tampons were a dangerous weapon that could kill him and Yoongi hyung got his hands full of mascara. However, something a little bit worse happened to me. There was only one drawer left to empty and that drawer was the one for her underwear... and "luckily" there weren't any boxes left so I had to put the underwear in my backpack! I was going to be so embarrassed to give it to her! After all of this, we put all of the boxes in our car and left. It's impressive how all of her stuff was able to fit in the car where all of us were also sitting... Once at home, we wrote our names on the boxes that we packed so that if she has questions she could ask the right person and we left the boxes in her room, which was the guest room before she arrived.

Just as I was about to head out to go eat lunch at my favorite restaurant, I got a text from Namjoon;

RM: Hey, at what time do you end your shift? Jin will pick u up.

Me: I end at 19:00... I know It's late, sorry.

RM: Oh, it's all right, he'll pick u up anyway.

Me: Thanks!

I headed to out and ate lunch at my favorite place... Yummy! I then went back to work until I finished my shift. I waited for Jin in the lobby. He arrived and I entered his car;

Me: Hi Jin oppa! Thank you for picking me up!

Jin: Oh, no problems. Have you thought about the proposition I made you?

Me: Actually, I'll take the offer... I won't cause you any trouble, I just really need a place to stay...

Jin: Well if you had said no, I would've forced you because we didn't move all of your things for anything!

Me: *giggles* Well, thanks oppa!

Jin: Well actually, you should thank Jimin. He's the one who packed up your whole bedroom, which means the most of your stuff...

Me: Oh, okay, I'll think of it.

The rest of the car ride happened in comfortable silence. The more I got to know the guys, the best it felt to be with them. They are incredibly nice and generous persons... We arrived at their house. I never noticed how big and luxurious it was... Jin opened the door for me and we headed inside. It smelled incredibly good, like if someone made food;

Jin: I hope we won't die tonight... It's Jungkook and Jimin's turn to make dinner...

Me: I bet it won't be that bad...

Jin: Oh, you'll see... They probably already lit the kitchen on fire by now!

We removed our boots and coats and headed to the dining room. A gigantic table was in the middle of the room and it was filled with delicious foods. Everyone was sat around the table, waiting for us. Jin and I sat down and started eating;

Me: OMG FOOD! I'm was so hungry!

Jin: Woah, you guys nailed it! Usually, I'm the only one able to make good food...

JK: Well, we all cooked something because we wanted Ji Ah to have the best welcome dinner!

Namjoon: If you want us to, later, we'll help you to unpack your cartons.

Me: Oh, that's not necessary... I can do it by myself but thank you.

We finished and I immediately went to my new room to unpack my things. I started by emptying the closet and I put the clothes that belonged to Jungkook's girlfriend in a box. I then put the box back in a corner of the closet. When I finished placing all of my things, it was maybe around 1:00 AM. I also realized there were some things missing: my underwear and a precious picture frame of mine, but I'll ask for them to Jimin tomorrow. With that, I went to sleep.



Hey guys! Another update! That one was longer than the ones before but I still hope you liked it! I would really appreciate it if you could vote and leave a comment to tell me what I should improve in the story...

Love you! Purple you!

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