A Letter to the Reader

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Thank you so much for reading Promise. It has been a wonderful and thought provoking experience writing this story, and I am so happy that I got to share it with you. What started out as a simple fanfiction about Jimin and Jeongyeon, evolved into this emotional rollercoaster of a story.

First and foremost, this story was originally written as a joke. It was sort of my childish little K-pop mind that wanted a throwaway narrative. However as I wrote on, I began realizing that the plot began resembling my own personal experience with love. This is added baggage turned itself around on me, turning Promise into a self-reflection about that said love. The themes coincidentally went hand in hand with the title and song. I didn't realize I'd be writing about the emotional moments of what it's like falling in love for the first time and then write the low moments of falling out of it. With where I was going with the plot, I took it as an opportunity to not just dissect it, but to personally make amends with myself as well. This is probably why you're reading Jeongyeon's POV as if it's a personal diary. I wanted you to take her place and really invest yourselves into her thoughts and feelings as if  it's actually you who's experiencing all of it.

A lot of love and care went into this, with every little detail being thoughtfully planned out. I wanted to make the best of what little I had to tell from these two characters. Every detail has purpose to them, and it's up to you, as the reader, to determine how you would enhance yourself within the narrative. My role as the writer just simply wanted you to be engaged, and I tried the best I can to make the world in this story feel authentic as possible.

This story has been a journey for me, and I hoped that you have enjoyed it. Thank you again for joining along with me.

I promise you everything will be okay in the end. There is more to come in the future.


Choons <3 <3

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