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I was bored with the same old. Hit on girls, talk to stupid people and attend classes. I despised the last part the most.

Anas looped his arm around my head and I slapped it off. "Go annoy someone else,"

He pouted like a little boy. Then turned his eyes to the girl in front of us. I watched interest flash in his eyes.

"Do I know you?" Great. He was going to leave no girl without flirting with her. It was a sadly predictable fact.

She let out a contemplative 'hmm'. "Let me see. Anas Wahab. The guy who once peed in prep?"

His eyes widened and I couldn't help but chuckle. At the sound of my laugh, the girl's gaze falls on me. I don't bother looking at her.

"That was Ibrahim," He spits out, practically fuming. "I'm the interesting dude that all girls love. You're about to become one of them."

"Sorry, but piercings aren't my thing," She says, not at all sounding sorry.

The girl interested me and that's why I wouldn't even look at her. When we'd bumped into each other, I'd felt that spark. But that kind of attraction only led to heartache. And a little girl had already broken my heart into pieces. I didn't even have anything to give to somebody else.

"Ouch," Anas clutches his chest, seeming more amused than hurt. I know he's into her because of the attitude. And for some reason, it makes me want to kill him.

She's not mine, I reminded myself. She's just a stranger.

"Dude," Zeeshan butted in. "Don't give her gooey eyes. She's bad news."

"You're just mean, Zeesh," Anas said, eyeing the girl who just got out of her shiny red Lambo. He was such a douche.

"Why am I even standing here?" Ninja girl muttered to herself, turning to leave.

"Hey!" Anas seemed to be done staring at the other girl's certain parts because his attention was back to ninja.

Gosh, why was I calling her that? That was so douchey.

"Can I at least get your name?" He flashed her his cheeky grin and Zeeshan fell into fits of laughter.

Sometimes I wondered why he laughed so much. But I knew. I already knew he'd rather laugh than worry about his family problems.

That's how we all were, right?

Ninja girl—shit, I really needed to stop calling her that—froze. Such a simple question and she looked genuinely frightened.

"Well," She said, acting nonchalant but I could hear the tremble in her voice. "I'm the girl you stole nuggets from in preschool."

Anas cracked a genuine smile. "Honey, trust me, I've stolen many nuggets in my life. Specify, please."

She drew in a breath that we all heard. "You'll know very soon. Please don't unnecessarily bother me."

"He just asked for your name," Zeeshan screeched. "I don't get why girls have to act all crazy and shit. Leave if you don't want to tell."

I gritted my teeth and cut him off with a glare. "Mind your tone,"

"Shut the heck up, man." He blew out an angry breath and marched away.

I stared at his retreating form for a minute before turning to Anas. "The same?"

He nods, eyes darkened. "Don't be hard on him, Z. The shit's getting rougher."

I felt guilt twinge up in my chest. But I knew he didn't want me to go check up on him. Not when he was like this. He liked to be left alone.

The school bell rang and I swear the whole parking lot filled with groans. Not me, though. I liked to keep my opinions to myself.

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