A Company Along The Road

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Everyday that passes I picture your beauty in my world 

 I built it all from faithful imagination 

You're the eighth wonder living in this world

your unusual straight from heaven a perfect creation 

More than a human an angel sent to earth

Words cannot describe how you lighten up my path

An endless track guided by your priceless breath

your perfection can pick up this world and throw it to trash

Everywhere I look I see your pretty face

On every turn, all I do is dream about you

I see you with me in every place

Anywhere I look and I swear its true

"Be my company along the road

Stay and help me to carry this load

Together we can spread wings and fly away

Just take my hand and promise me to stay " 

Miles and miles that separate me from you

Miles that disappear when I dream of you 

Every time I need you I close my eyes

Even then your not there, as my heart cries

Cries about the mistake that I'll do again

It's difficult  to swallow but its a sweet pain

You'll never be mine and I know 

Facing reality makes me die slow 

"Be my company along the road 

Stay and help me to carry this load 

Together we can spread wings and fly away

Just take my hand and promise me to stay " 

Burning Papers-love poems  Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt